Chapter Three-New New York is biting (II)

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"What the fuck is that?", New New York Coast Guard Rachelle Carmody asked her boyfriend.

        "Fucking Zombies", New New York Coast Guard Dave Franklin answered. He grabbed his AK-47 assault rifle and waited.

          They watched as the Zombie Drone soldiers also had their AK-47 assault rifles. It was a weird showdown.

           The Zombie soldiers were hungry.

            Blood gushed out of their mouths. Their eyes were a milky-white color. They stared at the two young Coast Guards and the fight had had begun.

New New York Coast Guard Rachelle Carmody fired first.

            The first Zombie Drone, (formerly Rich Candell, Jr.,), continued walking towards the Coast Guards, as it neared the huge Docks.

             And it was hit in the head.

             It fired once.

              And New New York Coast Guard Dave Franklin was hit in the head.  More blood splattered, as his body thudded off the Dock, and into the cold, freezing waters off the Island.


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