Chapter 11

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I woke up with a painstaking headache and a bandage wrapped around my hand. I was still in the lab,only this time, Cedric was there and I wasn't a kid.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"I should be asking you that, you burnt your hand." He said pointing to my wrapped up hand.

"Firstly, I was ten years old. Next I was in a forest following howls and ended up finding my wolf in a cave and when I tried to walk over to it some kind of barrier appeared blocking my entrance."

"Is that all?"

"After sometime the barrier started glowing and in the centre was some kind of Chinese symbol. For some reason I touched the barrier and I felt like my hand was burning but it didn't hurt nor was my hand burning and then I fell unconscious and woke up here."

"Can you remember the symbol?"

"I can't draw it but I can remember it if I see it."

"Are you  sure?"

"Very sure."

"I'll be right back." He walked over to another one of his bookshelves and sat down next to me flipping through the pages of his book.

"Was it this one?" He said pointing to a page in the book.

"No." He flipped some more pages.

"How about this one?"

"Not really, but it's close though."

He showed me some more and none of them looked like it.

"Is it this one? Because if it's not then we'll be buried in books the whole day."

"Day? How long was I uh..out?"

"About 6 hours."

"How's that possible, I felt like I was only out for an hour."

"Time here and time there are very different. It may have been an hour for you but it was 6 hours here."

"Wow. That's weird."

"It's the one thing I'm still getting trying to understand....... Is it this one?"

"Actually... it's the one."

"Are you sure?"


"That explains alot. It's a firewall, that witch was a sneaky one. She knew your wolf would lock itself and made sure it was impossible to free it. But of course, the seal she used isn't permanent."

"So you can fix me right?"

"I can't but you can."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Its your wolf you should be the one to free it and judging by how long it's been locked up it's pretty feral and that could be dangerous for me, I could die. Literally."

"How sure are you it won't kill me?"

"Because it's your wolf and it probably still recognises you. Now, bring me the book on my desk."

I walked over to his desk,took the book and handed it to him. He flipped through some pages, ripped out one and handed it to me.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"I want you to memorize that symbol, line for line,you have to know it perfectly."

"Uhh okay...I can get this done by Tonight. So we can get this over with as soon as possible."

"That 'as soon as possible' is after two weeks."

"What! Why?"

"The symbol works best on full moons and that's in the next two weeks."

"Fine, I'll see you in two weeks." And with that, I went back to my place.

His Lost SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora