Chapter 5

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What? Gave in to easily? Did he want me to fight him? I didn't know what to text back. I couldn't think of anything to say that.

I fell asleep wand woke up to my mom finally getting up at noon. It was Monday, so luckily she didn't have to go to work. I don't have school until Tuesday this week because we had some kind of four day weekend. I'm not questioning it.

I did have work today, but not until five.

Brayden didn't text me while I was sleeping. He's probably still mad at me.

I finally got out of bed and got a bowl of cereal and sat in front of the tv. My sister was already watching the news so I didn't fight with her to get to remote. Noting good was in the news. Just odd things like car crashes and a new flu spreading. Zoe finally changed the channel to some cartoons and I was finished eating.

I got in the shower and got dressed for work. I put Brayden's necklace back around my neck. Maybe I'll call him tonight. I worked at a small diner in town that served almost anything.

I had to drive myself to work today because I didn't know how sober my mom was.

When I got to work, not many people were there. My boss, John, and one of the other workers, Dylan, were there. John co-owned the diner and was probably in his early forties. Dylan was a cook here, he is my age and we go to the same school and we have a couple classes together. We were kind of friends, we didn't hang out, but I talked to him a lot more than I do with any other guy.

"Hey, Charlotte!" Dylan said, smiling when I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Dylan." I said, grabbing my apron and my notepad.

"What's wrong?" Dylan asked, grabbing my wrist. He always knew when something was up with me.

"Nothing." I said, shaking him off and turning away.

Dylan grabbed me and turned me around, "If you need to talk, I'm here. You know that, right?" He said looking right into my eyes.

"Ye-e-e-ssss Dylan!" I said, giggling at his seriousness. Dylan smiled and went back to cooking.

I went out and started to clean off tables.

"Charlotte. Over here." John called from behind the register.

"Um, yeah?" I said, walking over to him.

"Did your mom get home ok last night?"

"Yeah. How did you know she went out last night?" I said, getting a little defensive.

"Well she was out with me last night. Didn't you know?"

"No. Where did you take her last night?"

"Oh she came over to my house." He said turning around, "She's a very special lady."

My face turned red. He's still drunk! What did they do together?

I went into the kitchen to help Dylan. Being around him calmed me down.

"What happened, Charlotte?"

"John had my mom over last night!"

"Ew. That's gross!" He said as he laughed.

"It's not funny!" I said, starting to laugh.

"Charlotte!" John yelled from outside the kitchen.

Dylan gave me a funny look as I walked out.

Standing right next to John was Brayden.

•A/N• sorry the chapter was short but if you like my story comment, vote or become a fan please :)

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