Hide and seek

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Delilah POV:

I stared directly at him with a scowl and slowly stood up next to Jason. "What the hell is he doing here?" My father yelled to his men. They looked at each other and shrugged.

"Get the heel out of here before I kill you" he walked up to Jason and he was slightly shorter but not by much. "I'm not leaving without Delilah, Joseph" Jason looked at him straight in the eye and I realized that I could make a move.

My father had about 7 men at the door with their guns ready to shoot at any time and there was no way out from there. The second option was the window but that would take way too long for them not to notice me.

Without thinking I punched my father across the face while he was in mid argument with Jason. "Fuck" he yelled as blood spilled from his nose. Jason took the second hit and I smiled at the 7 men before me.

"C'mon shoot me" they all had their guns raised directly at me and I knew they wouldn't shoot unless my father wanted me dead.

Jason had just sent another punch to my father's stomach and then made his move. He grabbed Jason my the collar of his shirt and pulled out a gun, holding it to his head.

Jason's gun was laying on the floor but there were no bullets in it. I look at Jason then my father and decided to take charge.

I ran to one of them men with a loaded gun and kicked it out of his hands with ease.

How many of these fuckers need training school again?

The guns that were previously raised at me were now in my face. "If you make one move we will shoot you" I laughed in their faces, "is that what your boss would want?" I asked with a smirk.

They all looked at my father and he shook his head and scowled. I smiled at them and walked to my father, holding the gun to his head.

"You shoot, I shoot" I said with a calm tone. He laughed in my face and before I knew it, the gun was knocked out of my hands and my hands were behind my back.

I kicked the person behind me with all of my strength and they fell back. Another guy came my way and I elbowed him in the nose while kicking his side.

They knelt in front to me and another man came up to me but this time he had another set of chains. He was definitely taller and more muscular than me and grabbed my wrists with ease.

I kicked, punched, slapped and he still didn't budge as he carried me to the wall and chained me to it again.


My father was talking to Jason with a mean look on his face as hi pushed the gun closer to his head. My breathing was hard as I looked at the two men across from me.

"Don't  you fucking dare" I yelled to my father as he put his finger on the trigger.

I swallowed hard as I tried to wiggle myself out of the tight chains. My father laughed and glanced at me.

"Just like old times, right Lilah?"

The memory of my mother came back to me as he pressed down on the trigger. "It's been fun kid...I  love you" those were the last words Jason said before the bullet went through his head.

"NO!" I cried as Jason's lifeless body slumped against the wall. "No, no, no, no" I cried harder letting my head hit the wall.

"YOU SICK FUCKING MONSTER!" I yelled to my father. He smiled and ordered some men to clean up Jason's body.

When everyone left the cell I was left alone.


The one thing that caught my eye in the corner of the room was a phone with a text.

It was to Vince from Jason I'm guessing before my father got to him.

Jason: "I found her and I have the address"

Vincent: "good. is she okay?"

Jason: "yes she's okay"

Vincent: "good work Jason. I knew I could count on you"

That was the last text. But there was one more that hadn't been sent.

It was the address, waiting to be sent to Vince. I slid the phone closer to me and pressed send on the text with my foot.

"Now we wait" I smiled to myself and let darkness consume me.

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