Death and Rebirth

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Izuku Midoriya was afraid. He hadn't been like this since... well, since that hell he called a middle school. He thought he could finally leave his fear behind as he joined the prestigous school. He had friends, He was even lucky enough to recieve his all time favorite hero, Allmight's tutalage, and even his quirk! Lifewas turning around. Or so he thought, as he ran through UA, battered and bruised. Quickly descending down a set of stairs he didn't recognize, he found himself in a basement, barrelling through a set of double doors with a sign called: "Support Storage". This, unbeknownst to Izuku, was where UA stored hero and villain gadgets, left behind for hundreds of years, in order to be eventually studied or reused. There were mountains of them, reaching up to the high ceiling stretching high above. Running past it all, he tried to find a place to hide. He was leaving a bloody trail behind him, and he knew they would catch up. All he could think of, or more accurately ask, was: Why? Why would they believe them?! That was clearly Toga in that photo! Hell, I risked my life to make sure Allmight was safe at the USJ!

However, even with his thoughts, he searched frantically, until he found a roughly rabbit shaped thing, the golden color faded through time. The outside was worn and open in some areas, revealing that the mechanisms allowed for a person to wear it. That's big enough to hide me!

Quietly, he opened the suit and climbed inside, careful not to get himself caught on anything, as much of the metal was rusted. I wonder when this was used... it seems strong, but I don't know... Closing it it as carefully as he was to put it on, he sat down, laying limp as it looked when he found it, and waited for a few minutes, trying to control his breathing, so it wouldn't be obvious where he was hiding.

Bakugo was the first to arrive, having been following close behind. "Dammit, where is that damn Traitor?!" Bakugo's immediate friends, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, and Sero, caught up to him. They were Bakugo's closest allies, and, while they didn't follow him as closely as his old lackeys did, still listened to him when he presented his "evidence". I save his life... and this is how he repays me. You don't get a third chance from me.

"You lost him?" Enjiro Kirishima asked. He was a sturdy ally, but his loyalty went too far. Especially now.

"The fucker's somewhere down here!" Katsuki growled. Once upon a time, Izuku considered him a friend. That time had long since passed.

"I'll hold the exit!" Sero ran back the way he had come. He honestly wasn't much, and basically was a discount Spiderman with his quirk.

Ashido Mina, the only girl of the group, noticed the fresh blood on the ground. She was less sure of herself, as if not really wanting to do this chase any more. "Wait... his blood is here... he can't have gotten far..."

Kaminari, confirming Mina's analysis. It's surprising that they were as spot on as they were, considering they failed both exams in their first year. "It's going to that weird rabbit thing. Should I shock him out of there?" This left Izuku hopeless. Kaminari... I thought we were friends... Fear coursed through as Katsuki glanced at him, with a demonic grin lining his face.

"Sure, taze the fucker."

Denki pointed a finger gun towards his hiding spot. Electricity arced from it towards the suit, due to the iron content. Crap, it's metal! Izuku screamed as the suit was electrified to 1M volts, far above what any normal person would be able to handle. "Found you... traitor..."

The lightning stopped as smoke emanated from the suit. Some of the exposed wires crackled as they released excess energy from the surge. Inside, Izuku was breathing painfully, unable to move due to his nerves being fried, just like the suit. As the self appointed "Bakusquad" approached, they could hear the sound of creaking metal.

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