Katsumi's First Strike

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After a month of following their current routine... it was time. Today was the day. Katsumi's first test... in vigilantism. She needed to prove that she was ready. Most of the materials from Dagobah beach had been assembled, and there was nothing else to do, besides... well, retrieve the portal device. Under Izuku's careful direction, the blonde girl would search for, and carry out an attack on a crime in progress. To see if her skills were to the test. And... prepare herself for what could happen.

The Night itself seemed hostile tonight, at least by Katsumi's standards. Heroes weren't helping those who needed help, but she alone couldn't do much... but there was one scene where she could...

A low-level villain had found a target to take his aggression on, with malicious intent. What he was after was unclear, but his target was not: a defenseless woman. He'd rob her, maybe have some self proclaimed "fun"... which wouldn't be quite so fun for her. He had waited, seeing the woman walk alone down the dark alleyway, and pounced as soon as she passed his position. He managed to pin her against the wall, blade his quirk, blades from his hands, up against her throat, with everything going smoothly... however, he soon heard something to his right. Turning, he couldn't react as a blade sunk deep into his shoulder. It tore him away from the woman, forcing him to fall to the ground. Looking up, he found another girl walking from the shadows, and unlike heroes, it was clear that this person was dressed to kill. She wore a semi-form-fitting gold-green hoodie, twin weapon holsters crossing it with at least 6 blades visible. She wore a filtered mask similar to the one Izuku used for hero work long ago, not that the villain knew the connection, with a tinted visor to both obscure her face and tactically assist her. The visor provided a Heads Up Display, with several types of tactical information, including but not limited to: databank info, radar, maps of the area, all on the go. She wore long cargo pants, supplemented by armored segments for extra protection. Thin mechanical Rabbit ears poked out from the top of the hood, both keeping it in place, providing data to the aforementioned radar system, all while being reminiscent of an old threat. One that the villain did recognize on sight. This was a follower of Springtrap's ideals of vigilantism, and if she was as deadly as she looked, she wouldn't show any mercy... but it was worth a try.

"Wh-what do you want? I'll give you anything!"

Her response was dispassionate as her words echoed the past. Like "You're an excellent first test." She gripped the collar of his shirt, and yanked the blade from it. He screamed, before it was quickly silenced by him seeing her angle the blade... before quickly stabbing it through his eye and into his brain, killing him quickly.

Taking out the retractable blade, she wiped the blood off of it, onto her sleeve in two quick motions. Hearing panicked breathing, she glanced, angling her head towards the terrified woman. Katumi gestured for her to leave, as there was no point to her being there at this point. Taking the hint, she took no hesitation in bolting towards her home, eyes wide and adrenaline pumping through her veins. Sighing with relief, she was about to leave... but a warning on her HUD indicated that a hero was rapidly approaching. Their voice called out, stopping Katsumi in her tracks. "Hey, what are you doing?"
Turning around, she found herself face to face with... Aunt Mina, otherwise known as the Acid Hero Pinky, is one of the 5 main culprits from Izuku's old class. Although... he doesn't blame her. Not really. And Katsumi took that into account.

Trying to diffuse the situation, the now vigilante responded, "I helped a woman."
The hero's golden eyes flickered to the villain's corpse. "By killing the assailant?"
Tensing up, the blonde lowered her right hand, hiding the blade behind her, "We both know that you are just as guilty as I am. You have killed just as many as I have."
The heroine froze, knowing she was right, but that raised the question in Mina's mind: She's only killed him? Why? Is she new to this? Why is she so... dispassionate...?
However, something about the voice of the vigilante was familiar to the pink heroine. Inquiring for more details, she made sure to pick her words carefully, "You sound... young. Do your parents know you're out?"
"No... why, you going to tell them?" Katsumi immediately tensed, unsure if Mina knew her identity or not based on her voice alone. Either way, the blonde couldn't take the risk, as Mina knew her parents well. Any connection must be cut off as soon as possible.
Mina continued to talk, "You are a vigilante. I'm going to have to..." Her voice faltering and eyes widening as Katsumi charged, saying only one final statement.

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