Left behind

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When the group of four hero students arrived, they found Bakugo sitting against the wall, underneath a spotlight. He appeared to be completely encased, trapped in a specialized cage. Mina called out to him, "Bakubabe!"

However, he didn't respond. On closer inspection, they all could tell he was broken, afraid. He was wide-eyed, lost in his own thoughts, and completely unmoving. When they got to his position, Sero called out, "Bakugo!"

They carefully analyzed the cage. It was far more complex than any machinery they'd ever worked with, with the exception of maybe the zero pointer. A delicate balance of springs and compressed metal... but why was it compressed like that?

Now realizing others were here, the normally explosive blond said quietly, "C-careful..."

Mina promised him, looking directly into his desperate eyes. "We'll get you out of this thing."
However, her promise was interrupted by a more malevolent, mechanical voice, "Will you now?"

They all turned and saw the rabbit. He was standing in the shadows, but they could still see the silhouette, and his piercing glowing eyes. Towering over them in a sickly gold color, his eyes tracking each of them.

Knowing who this was, only one boy chose to directly confront him, "I'll handle him." Kirishima stepped between them and the malicious machine. Activating his quirk, he got into a fighting stance. "I won't let you hurt anyone else, Springtrap."

He ignored that comment, only giving details... and more horrifying implications popped into their heads as he commented: "I set the timer on that suit for 16 hours. You certainly took your time... because time is almost up. You wouldn't want him to end up like me..."
He was interrupted by Kirishima's battle cry, and was only barely able to prepare a defense for the assault to follow. A flurry of blows which he barely blocked. The metal in his arms held up well, even to his tough, rock-like opponent.

"You've gotten faster... but is it manly to beat a corpse?" He then quickly delivered a decisive blow of his own, knocking him away, and into the wall. The metal dented and concrete cracked with the unexpected projectile that was Kirishima.

Meanwhile, the others, Mina, Sero and Kaminari slowly bickered on how these complex mechanisms worked, and took the gauntlets off and threw them away. They couldn't take the abuse, snapping back to place. Bakugo's eyes widened in fear when he saw what they did, and knew that was the fate he could very well experience if he wasn't careful. He steadied his breathing as they carefully took off the headpiece and slowly worked on the torso as Kirishima was thrown into the wall, becoming stuck in it.

The rabbit actually laughed at that. "Oh, I guess he's stuck..." He glanced at the trio, remarking on their progress. "...and you've only removed a quarter of the suit. A shame."

Kaminari stepped up, the next bravest between them. Kirishima called over to him, in a weak voice as he fell to the ground. "He's as tough as me. It's like hitting metal!"

"Of course... he's made of it!" Kaminari grinned, remembering the last time he saw that suit. "And that makes me a perfect counter!"

"You..." His eyes burned, as if he had personal beef with the electric blond. "You did this to me!"
Clueless, Denki was put off slightly, "What..."

As this was going on, Mina and Sero helped Bakugo get the majority of the suit off, with just one part left. It was the most delicate, around his neck. Based on how it was designed, it was clear that it was designed to give a killing stroke. Meanwhile, the mechanical monster stepped ever closer, towards Bakugo. This caused him to breathe faster, and faster, until Kaminari shocked him. The electric blond poured thousands of volts into him per second, and his pained, tortured screams... would be sure to etch nightmares into their mind. As the contraption was finally taken off, it snapped closed, indicating that he'd been freed by the skin of his teeth. Hoarsely, getting used to being free, Bakugo said as he stumbled towards the exit, supported by Sero, "Mina, get Kirishima."
She agreed immediately, rushing to his side. "Right!"

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