Bound Together

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Katsumi didn't know what was going on. Nightmares and horror of ghosts, revenge, and death repeated over and over. Pain and Hatred reeled and cascaded against her limited sensibilities, and threatened to overwhelm her... but then... she was shown memories. Clearly from Izuku's perspective... of his friendships, his loss... and his mindset. Especially when he started to working with her. As soon as she said her name, he was calculating how best to hurt Katsuki with this information. But... when she asked what he wanted to do... that made him pause... and re-evaluate everything. In that moment, he changed from a mindset of retribution to that of what he really wanted at his core. And that, seems to have always been, to live. To truly live.

For her to cause such a change was... frankly astonishing to the blonde, and it reinforced what she was already determined to do. To help him become human, to live again.

Izuku, on the other hand, was recieving a similar situation to Katsumi. Although, he could see and interpret her memories. The isolation due to Katsuki and Ochako always being away, on duty, the lonliness due to the few times Katsuki was there, he was insufferable and scared away any friends... the fact that some of their old class also had children, and some... were less than ideal people. The anger she felt every day as she struggled against the world that wanted her to be a hero, when her dream lay elsewhere.

She really is like me. Katsuki must pay, but she comes first.

He was in awe at her mechanical knowledge and skill, leagues above his own, and witnessed her build the monstrosity. It was... familiar, in a way, but how, Izuku doesn't know. However, he put that thought aside as Katsumi woke up.

Katsumi awoke in bed. Confused by all she had seen, all she could do was ask, "Ugh... How did I get here? What... what was that?"

Izuku's voice filtered into her mind, the words clear and cautious, testing her mind. Well, it worked...

Her head reflexively looked around, trying to find the source of the sound she knew was in her head. "Izuku?"

Um... I think that you should try using your thoughts... maybe we can talk without using your voice?

She took a deep breath... and then tried what he suggested, Like... this?

Yes! It works!

After a moment of silent contemplation, Katsumi started to speak, Um... Izuku... I don't know how to describe what I've seen...

Oh... I saw your memories as well. I think... part of this process intermingled our memories...

She shuddered, not wanting to go into depth about this, Do I even want to know how this worked?

I don't even fully understand it, to be honest... and I put you in bed. You've been unconscious, but not dreaming. At least I hope you weren't in the dream state. When you dream, we can meet again. I think.

Then I'll sleep.

It's 5 in the afternoon. You sure?

Yeah, I'm tired, and REM sleep is important. Especially when working with dangerous tools.

Sweet Dreams.

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