Revenge Mk. 2

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A week barely passed before Springtrap made his presence clear this time. It wasn't just criminals or villains anymore... any person in his path was killed quickly, and horrifically. The brutality was up to his mood, as unstable as it became during the 25 years of isolation. Nobody understood why he'd changed his motif, but knew to stay away. On the Saturday past that fateful day, where Himiko Toga died, he saw a woman with silver hair, walking in downtown Mustafu, completely confident when even passing through the dark alleyways that he was rumored to be in. Confused, he was compelled to follow, as her presence was... familiar... Izuku followed her while remaining out of sight. Slowly, he analyzed her. Silver hair, red eyes, a small horn on her head... it's the girl he saved all those years ago! Seeing her all grown up would've brought a tear to his eyes, if he could cry, and made her proud. It was clear that she was living life to the fullest. He didn't want to interrupt her day, but he needed to know how things went.

He called out to her as she walked through a lonely alleyway. "Eri...."
Turning, she found Springtrap just looking at her. Slightly singed, but mostly intact.

She even responded, just as he remembered. Although , he admitted, It is a bit weird to hear a childish name like that come from an adult woman... "Mr. Springtrap..."
Silently, he approached. His mechanics strained to move him, whirring and groaning through decades of wear.

However, instead of relief, he found only... sadness? "I just have one question. Why Himiko?"

Of course things would be different after the blaze... but he didn't expect Eri to be friends with that blood deranged psycho. "... she changed?"
Eri elaborated for him, describing how good her life was after his disappearance. "She was married, and a teacher at UA. Villain tactics. Why her?"

Izuku started to explain, "I needed her remnant..."
But... she decided to interrupt him, her impassioned speech raising her voice in the process, "She dedicated her life to helping you, and you just... kill her immediately ! Have you no heart?!"

"I..." He looked down at her. Instead of showing fury or instability, like the woman expected, instead she found... pain and hesitancy.

"Well?" She almost tapped her foot, but she had to break that habit a while back. Something about "not being mature".

The mechanical zombie sighed, "You don't understand how this prison of mine works. And the fact that the only souls I could call friends gave their lives to keep mine going! Toga ruined my life, creating the opening for Katsuki and his posse to kill me in this! And they get to be heroes . Most of the class was on my side, but Katsuki, Kirishima and Kaminari weren't." He reached back, and she tensed, suspecting a possible weapon. But what he did was much worse.

He opened the mask to her horror. She could see his mangled head, barely aged a day due to the weird interaction with it and remnant. His mouth contorted in pain, his voicebox spoke for him, "This is what I am. I didn't want to scar you when you were younger, when I still wanted to be a hero, but they lied... and I paid the price." Calming down, he shifted the conversation. "How are you?"

Not wanting to anger him further, she answered as he lowered the mask. "I... I'm good. I work at UA as the head nurse."

She was surprised that he was actually concerned. It seems Nezu was right . "I'm glad. Don't get hurt, you hear?"

Eri wanted him to stop, but couldn't find it within herself to stop him at this current time. "... I can't stop you from doing what you do... but I will warn you. Himiko's husband will find you. He's Dabi, the number 2 hero right now, and is insanely strong."

"... thank you for the warning." He turned and started to leave until Eri called back to him.
"I can't forgive you for what you did to Himiko. But I can thank you for saving me."

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