Bonding with Hatred

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Katsumi legitimately felt bad for that Izuku AI. That was the only thing she could compare him to: an AI. Even though she wasn't sure what exactly he was, she knew that he was trapped inside the game. I mean, if he was really wanting to continue existing, would the golden haired man really want to stay in the game that depicts his mistakes and failures? No. He had to be trapped... but the blonde felt there was more to the story, and wanted to know more, but did not want to drive him away. He acted like a friend, and it was something she sorely missed.

While she was eating, she absentmindedly listened to her parents bicker. Ochako was wanting to skip] this year's class reunion. It had become a tradition after Izuku died to remember him as he was, but after he came back... well... the purpose had changed. Aunt Jirou said she was going to skip, but the others convinced her to come.

However, Bakugo was actually for "class unity", which Ochako shot down as him just wanting to be with his friends. She reminded him to be honest with himself and her, as that was part of the reason why they married in the first place. Back and forth... an annoyance she couldn't stand, and so Katsumi left the table after she finished the meal.

When she got back onto the game, she found him waiting right next to. "You waited?"
"There's nothing else to do. The other characters are static, non-interactive."

Guilt crept into her mind as she realized how alone he really was. All the blonde could say was: "That makes sense."
The AI asked, "Can I call you Katsumi instead of Bakugo? I honestly hate him."
She smiled, it was another step towards having a new best friend, "Sure. If you're okay with me calling you Izuku."

He laughed, then reminded her of a slip of the tongue, "You literally called me Izu before you left. I don't mind."
Katsumi reddened with embarrassment. "S-sorry."
"I really don't mind." He smiled warmly.

After a few awkward moments, Katsumi asked, "So, do you want to walk around the city?"
"Sure. I assume you're in sandbox mode?"
Nodding matter of factly, she responded, "Yeah."
He followed right behind her as she began to walk, "Cool."

As they strolled, watching the NPCs move around them, Katsumi was the first to ask anything. Her young mind eager for answers. "Why did my old man hate you so much? He seemed legitimately angry in that sequence."

Izuku, meanwhile, marvelled at the in game environment. While up close, they weren't as defined as real life, but it came damn close. "I'm surprised by the accuracy of this game, to be honest."

Annoyed by the distraction, she tried to keep him on task, "So why?"

He sighed. He didn't need to breathe, but pretended to anyway, so that way it's not unnerving for the blonde. "It's to do with my quirk. It's... tough... for me to talk about. Quirk discrimination's a bitch."

Katsumi's gaze softened, because she knew what quirk discrimination really looked like when Ochako brought her to do some community work a few years ago. It was supposed to encourage her to be a hero by helping those less fortunate than herself... it turned out that, as she spoke with many of them, that they unattainable due to the actions of heroes or legislation that negatively impacting them. It was a huge red flag before, turning her interest from heroics like her father to absolutely no faith in the current hero system. Instead... helping others by improving quality of life was a much better goal. Even if she didn't know how to, she'd still try.

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