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As time went on, Shinsou found that most of the class went back to their normal. The two blonds being the only exception, due to their... actions. Kaminari was the one that electrified the cage, while Bakugo was the one directly responsible for that predicament in the first place. The electric blond became far more of a recluse, not even talking with his old friends nearly as much as he did before... and it honestly was too far. However, this did place Hitoshi in the perfect spot, as he was an outsider, and could try to repair their friendships. Midoriya would've wanted everyone to get along, and seeing the class be so antagonistic to one who, well, partially deserved it was a bit too far. So, he worked on becoming friends with him. Not that he had any experience with that in the first place, but... the violette gave it his best shot.

Due to his efforts, Kaminari came out of his shell again, like he was towards the start. He didn't get along perfectly with them, especially not Uraraka or her tight nit friends, but he did his best.

The same could not be said for Bakugo. He was just like he was at the sports festival, except he was more muted. There was no way in hell he'd ever attempt to work with that mess. However, the worst came to happen when the news covered a new killer. One with supposed morals, which caught Iida's attention. He'd known that Stain was a hated person to him, so seeing another person act like him definitely was a major red flag.

The scene was an all too familiar one at this point. Shinsou and the class were mingling in the living area, chilling before it was time to arrange dinner, some watching the news, when there was an announcement from the station. "BREAKING NEWS! Another kill has been confirmed to this mysterious new vigilante. This time, we have gained access to critical camera footage, as well as a witness to the crime. We now go to the scene of the crime..."
The screen then shifted to a man standing in a back alley, with police moving about behind him. "Thank you, Sharon. This string of murders can only be compared to the work of one individual, Stain, and his crusade against heroes. Although, this time, the vigilante is focused on a different target group: criminals and villains. That is the police interpretation of this matter, anyways." The screen shifted yet again to grainy camera footage, which showed an individual running away from something, only for a large, unidentifiable form rush after them, and pin them to the wall. The villain flailed about until it was clear that his head was ripped from his body, and eventually dropped to the ground. The large form stood for a moment, before moving slightly. It turned to the camera, its eyes two glowing pinpricks. It was in this stance, however, that the entire class stiffened, as they recognized the rabbit-like form this monster took. It was the deathtrap that Midoriya died in, and that, of course, sent Bakugo raging at Shinsou, who could only look at the screen, shocked. "YOU COULD'VE FUCKING STOPPED THIS, BRAINWASH FREAK!"


Before they could continue the argument, though, Jirou interrupted them both, "Stop! Listen!"

The news anchor continued, "There was a message left on a wall after the incident, and we appear to have the suspect's name. Or at least what it calls itself..." The cameraman focused on a particular wall, and a message could be read... written out in blood. MY NAME IS SPRINGTRAP.

With no idea how to respond, they absorbed every detail about this vigilante.

Izuku, however, was walking down an alley, far from his last kill. People were so focused on what he had done that they didn't consider what he would do, and was, admittedly, thankful for that. Striding through with a stiff robotic gait, he navigating the city, a skill he was increasingly good at, knowing where, how and when to strike, in order to cause the most fear and... agony. He didn't have to kill every day, but seeing so many suffer just didn't sit right with him. So, he continued every night. He didn't care that those he saved were afraid. He didn't care what mess he left behind at this point, as long as his charge remained strong, in the end. He could do this tirelessly, unceasing, and it worked. Criminals were now gaining fear over the night, and going into daytime operations, where heroes were most prevalent. It was quickly becoming a lose/lose situation. Searching for a place to rest his gears, he had to make sure that he wasn't exposed to the elements, as it did not help his mechanical condition.

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