Katsumi's Support (Exam)

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Katsumi looked up at Izuku with admiration at his statement. He didn't want to be anything lofty or selfish... he just wanted to live his life the way he wanted to, and that was something that the fiery blonde could definitely relate to. By this time, they had arrived at a beach. Not just any beach, but Dagobah beach. A place renowned for its "mysterious cleanup" years before. As he declared his desire to become human again, his eyes looked off in the simulated distance, watching the waves as the digital sun set behind them.

Determined, she told him the truth: "Izuku... I want to help."
Startled, as if he forgot she was there for a moment, his head whipped in order to look at her. "How... is it possible?"
While uncertain, she would most certainly try, and her confidence in an eventuality strengthened her vocal resolve. "I can definitely try to find a way." However, not knowing the time, she checked her heads up display, and was disappointed. "I have to go to bed though... I have UA's Support entrance exams tomorrow."

He nodded, accepting that simple truth, that time waits for no one. Smiling, he waved her off, "That's fine... you'll have to tell me how it went! And don't worry about that..." He referred to her promise, muttering just after she left the digital world behind... "I can wait."

The next day, Katsumi sighed as she readied herself for the exam. Mental preparedness is important, she remembered her mother saying, as the blonde approached UA's massive gate. A large crowd was also entering the place, but the majority of them were students who wanted to get into the hero course. 99% of them would fail. That was her estimation. Not just due to what quirks people have, but... Ochako let her know a secret, since she was not applying for that particular test. With the Springtrap incident, a new, third type of test was implemented in secret. A psychological test. One to weed out undesirable thugs from attending the hero course. It was partially a scan of their student records, and partially an ethics test. They were encouraged to be honest, but if she remembered correctly... those in the recommended test wouldn't have to do that. As the entrance to the recommendations test was close to that of the support test, there was a high possibility she'd run into that bastard .

Sighing to herself, she walked away from the crowd. She wanted some peace and quiet to collect her thoguhts, before the exam would begin... only for her to accidentally bump into someone. Looking up, she found... him .

Shit .

A boy with medium length black hair looked down at her with cold, ice blue eyes. His face looked at her disapprovingly, and it was clear that he still remembered their last argument.

"I thought the rejects were on the opposite side of the campus." He said, smiling slightly.

"Fuck off. The support exam is that way. The gloryhog's test is that way." She gestured past him and back the way she came for the respective descriptions. Which, in her estimations, weren't inaccurate.

"Tsk. Just because I don't want to be late to my recommendation exam, I'll let you go..."
Katsumi growled, before shoving past him. "Oh, how fucking generous of you, Toko." She had an exam to attend, and didn't want to waste any more time. Not with him.

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