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When Izuku walked through the portal, he was met with a cold wind and a forest region. He had taken her so far away... and he had been busy in his time away from her, stuck in that computer. Through manipulation of the stock market and bank accounts, he was able to set up their future. Soon enough, he brought her to their destination: a hidden mansion he'd acquired in America, within the mountainous Rockies. Approaching the door, he found the key under the mat, and opened the door. Looking around, he found her bedroom, and set her down on it. Izuku carefully patched Katsumi up, careful to not have any bleeding wound reopen. Writing a note, he patted her shoulder before leaving to take care of one final loose end from his past.

There would be no way in which he'd let the last domino affect their future.

All For One was immobilized. His plans had long since collapsed, ever since the Springtrap villain... and there was little he could do. His faithful doctor had passed years ago from a freak fire, and he was stuck, attached to life-extending devices in his room. Shigaraki was killed, and his entire network had been ripped to pieces in a violent crusade by the rabbit like villain. AFO had hoped that he was gone, unable to bother his quiet suffering... but he suddenly got the feeling he was not alone... and asked the dark. "Who is there?"
Two green irises, with white pinpricks inside, stared at him. A voice responded from them: "All the quirks in the world, yet here you are, alone, dying... it's rather sad, isn't it?"
Not liking being on the recieving end of his own tricks, of which he perfected, the horribly mangled quirk theif asked: "What do you want?"

"You are the true leader of the long-gone League of Villains..." It was a statement. Not a question.

AFO mused what he was after, and finally settled on the simplest answer. He was here to kill him. But the League had been gone for so long... there were few that had been effected by it. "And what business do you have with me?"
The voice spoke again... and this time... this time he realized who it was. The Springtrap Villain. "You tried to kill me three times, one of which succeeded."

With nothing to lose, he asked, a bit unnerved. "Why are you here?!"

"To fulfill the goal of One For All, of course."

That bombshell caught him completely off guard. The 9th user was SPRINGTRAP?! No wonder I couldn't find it after that villain came on the scene... and... he has a way to be immortal... "You're the 9th... but how..."
The voice responded again, and this time, he walked into the light. A tall, rabbit eared man, but the villain could tell that he had no quirks. It was unusual... and abhorrent. "A twist of fate. I should be long dead, but I've been given 3 chances at life. I'm making the most of it. You're the last person responsible for my death. The others are gone."

"So this is how it ends?"

"This is how your story ends." The man confirmed.

AFO laughed gently, not able to exert himself at all. It was humorous... but pained.

He supposed... with nothing left... he had no purpose. His body couldn't recover from this. His plan to get a new one failed. "At this point, death's a mercy."

"Noted. Anything you'd like to say?"

He smiled, a pained, resigned smile. "The only thing I regret is giving my brother One for All."

Izuku hacked the machines, bricked their operating systems, and left as AFOs body struggled to survive without them. He said one last statement before he left for home. "For someone so feared, you aren't much."

Katsumi woke up in bed. It was a strange room, in a new place. Izuku was nowhere to be seen. Where am I...?

"Ah, you're awake."

"Izu...?" She sat up, groaning in pain due to her injuries, and turned to see him sitting on a chair on the edge of her bed.
"I'm so glad you're alright." He hugged her gently, which she reciprocated.

She looked around after they let go. "Where... where are we?"
Izuku responded gently. "This is my house. Far away from all of our troubles."
"We can live how we want?"
He smiled. It was a beautiful, genuine smile. Only reserved for her, at the moment. "Yes. I'll give you a tour later. Do you want anything?"

"C-can I ask you to... this is embarrassing, but... can you stay here, with me?"

"If that is what you want." He smiled and watched over her as she fell asleep. The tinkling of a music box lulled them into security. Izuku stayed in the chair, closed his eyes, the two of them ready for the future and what it could hold. 

Thank you all for reading! It means a lot that you enjoy this as much as you did! The journey was long, ever-changing, but your support allowed me to remain resolute and finish this. I hope you continue to support me with my future endeavors.

My heart goes out to all of you who stuck with me from the beginning. Thank you for your time.

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