The Final Hour

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The Bakugos both arrived at the UA support dorm. The 4 other students: Jatt, Jutt, Sei, and Leonard were in the lounge, taking a break from work. The twins noticed them immediately "Dynamight and Uravity!" One started, while the second asked, "What brings you here?!"
Ochako explained, "Just here to see our daughter."
Sei asked, her left eyebrow raising in confusion: "Who?"
Meanwhile, the "Katsumi?"
Jatt started, "She never called herself a Bakugo..."

But then Jutt finished the sentance, "Although she does look like the girl version of Dynamight, now that I think about it."

Katsuki was starting to get impatient: "Where is she?"
For the first time, Leonard responded, in English. His back left arm pointed behind him, while he spoke: "Top floor. She chose that room, and is in it most of the time when not in class."

"Thank you."

When they arrived, Ochako knocked, only to be greeted with silence. "Kat? Are you there?"

Katsumi could hear her mother on the other side of the door. Collecting herself, she tore a rift open, quickly slicing her hand through reality. She entered the portal, leaving her room behind.

Not hearing any response, but still hearing the portal activate, the two pro heroes entered the room, only to find a portal to another place. Before Ochako could stop him, Katsuki launched himself into right it, desperate to find Katsumi. He's always jumping right into the thick of it... and before the brunette could move, It closed right after he entered, leaving Ochako behind.

"Katsumi!" Katsuki found himself in a different abandoned warehouse. What is with Springtrap related stuff and abandoned warehouses!? "Katsumi, where are you?!"

Silence greeted him, but Katsuki was never one to back down from a challenge. Hearing footsteps behind him he turned and almost blasted Jirou. "What the hell are you doing here, Earplugs?"
"I was patrolling nearby and heard you yelling Kat's name, should I have ignored that?"
"No... thanks. I tracked her here."

"Usagi's also here."
"Wonderful..." Jirou prepared to fight the enemy when the music started.

When the beat started, Jirou looked around, trying to pinpoint the source, before realizing that speakers in every direction and every level. Her quirk would not help pinpoint the vigilante's location. The violette knew they were smart, due to Mina's testimony... and very, very dangerous. If they idolized Springtrap... then it's likely that Katsumi Bakugo was a target to hurt Katsuki Bakugo. "Usagi is trying to mess with us..."
He didn't need to be told twice. "Keep your eyes open and be ready."

Above the pair, Katsumi waited for the specific music cue, when her actions would be most disguised. It was a karaoke diversion, she was actually singing the lyrics. And the music itself made them think that she was someone else, with a different motive. She saw Izuku as a brother, not like that. They are too far apart in age. With those thoughts aside... she watched as the duo were looking around them, but like most prey, they didn't look up. The chorus arrived, and she dropped down, throwing one of her knives at Jirou, sticking into her back, while falling and pinning her... father to the floor, one of her main blades impaling him to the ground. This allowed her to focus on Jirou, as he struggled to get unstuck. Quickly dipping behind cover, she narrowly avoided Jirou's sound attacks. When she couldn't maintain them, Katsumi pressed the advantage and threw some more knives, lodging into her leg and hand. She fell to the floor. Katsuki nearly got unlodged, so she retreated to a safe distance, and he rushed to Katsumi, pinning her to the floor just as the second chorus just finished. When he ripped off her mask. He stared, unable to do anything but listen.

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