Reparations & Proper Repairs

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Fear had sunk its malicious claws into Japan. Murder was now an everyday occurance, especially when it was all done by one, unceasing individual. Springtrap. It was all anyone ever talked about, which is why it surprised Hitoshi Shinsou when he was called to the principal's office a few days after a mysterious child was brought into the school.

When he arrived, he found the room somber, even Nezu himself did not carry a smile. "Um... what's going on?"
"Shinsou, I don't know how to properly apologize for our failure to notice your current circumstances."
Panic shot through him, Oh god, please tell me that they're not expelling me! I don't want to go back...

"Relax, we're not going to expel you." Nezu said, "In fact, Aizawa here has offered to take you in as a ward of the school. Especially after last night's events."
At this point, he was afraid to ask, before Aizawa explained, "During the previous night, the vigilante known as 'Springtrap' killed Konashi Shinsou. When investigating this particular murder, it was found that they were a highly abusive parent to you. There were medical reports which contained highly distressing content, similar to Izuku Midoriya's condition."
"Wait, what?"
"Due to my recent failures... I want to help make amends for my lack of insight on my students. Would you like me to take you in?"

"S-sure... It's just... a lot to take in."
"That's fair." Nezu hummed. The air in the room was much lighter, now that the heavy stuff was out of the way. Aizawa quickly led the violette out of the room.

"You'll still be at the dorms, but you have to get to know Eri better. She'd be your sister in this..."
"Of course..." Hitoshi said, still blindsided that his personal favorite hero was taking him in as an adopted father. "Just... I don't know why or how he knew about... that..."
The pro hero sighed. "Izuku Midoriya did not come from an abusive home, instead, everyone else in his life, save a select few individuals, made his life hell. He could probably tell the signs, and just didn't tell you. His motto used to be: meddling in other people's business is the epitome of being a hero."
"Sounds like him, alright." Hitoshi laughed as he remembered the green haired kid. "He would sacrifice his kidney if it meant he could save a little girl..."

"Which is exactly what happened to Eri." The hero said gruffly. "He saved her and brought her to UA. Which is why I am also taking you in. He's shown he trusts me, and I want to make sure that trust isn't wasted." They arrived at the staff room, where Nemuri was currently playing with Eri. It was surprisingly wholesome, considering Midnight's hero costume. Thank goodness she's so innocent...

When the two entered the room, Eri ran over to Aizawa, but hesitated once she saw the violette. They looked similar, but it was too soon. The hero sighed, before speaking, "Eri. This is Hitoshi. He was in a similar position as you were, and I took him in as well. He'll be like your brother. Please try to be brave."

She approached him, her red eyes showing fear and... curiosity? Was it because of something Aizawa said? The silver haired girl asked, "You were hurt by a bad man too?"

Ah. Of course it would be like that. He nodded.

At that moment, the two of them became inseparable.

As the year dawdled on, more countless vicious murders occurred, and the name Springtrap violently cemented itself within the public awareness when it killed his 150th villain. Nobody knew what its goal was, but it was certainly not peaceful. Class 1A helped search to bring him down, with Bakugo and his friends trying especially hard, but it was all in vain, as he was very elusive.

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