New Experiences

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Katsumi was excited for class. She'd finally be with other like minded people! Although, she was sad that Izuku couldn't come... but she'd find a workaround eventually. Approaching the large metal door, she smiled, content for the first time in a while. Approaching it, she opened it... and then being forced to duck as a large chunk of metal flew out towards her, immediately clocking the person behind her in the head. It was the robot boy from the exam. He'd technically scored number 1, but that's because they didn't entirely understand his design, and assumed he was a prodigy. However... he was just extremely subtle in his technilogical applications. And, honestly? Katusumi could respect that.

Leaning over him, she asked, "You okay?"

"Y-yeah..." His voice glitched, before he smacked his head with one of his four arms. "Yeah. That's better."

"You're more robot than man, aren't you?"
"More than you know..." He replied while Hatsume, their teacher, ran out.

Panicking, she asked, "Are you both okay? I really have to stop causing things to explode like that!"
"It's all good, teach." The boy said, using his four armos to quickly get back to his feet. He then bowed, not a formal, stiff, Japanese style bow, but a more european, and fluidly elegant one. The arm jutting from his back over his left shoulder took off his bowler hat, while his normal right one adjusted his monicle and kept it in place.

"Come on in! A few of your classmates are already here." They did so, and he sat next to Katsumi.

When they were seated, Hatsume did a head count and clapped her hands together. "Good, we're all here! I was just demonstrating a tricky piece of mechanics to um..." She struggled to remember, but then had an idea, "Oh, I know, we can do an icebreaker to get to know each other! I'm your teacher, Hatsume-sensei, and my quirk is Zoom, which helps me see small things." She gestured to her eyes. "My favorite thing to do is to make babies!"

Everyone did a double take, and Katsumi laughed slightly. Izuku had told her about the... unusual name for her creations. It sounded forced this time, but was probably to make them laugh.

The girl with Ice for hair from her exam asked, confused beyond belief. "Uh... Miss! What do you mean by..."
"Of course, I mean my inventions! They're cute, and young, just like a baby!"

That put them all at ease. Their teacher now gestured to the girl who asked, "What's your name?"

"I am Tsumetai Seikaku. Call me Sei." She put on an air of holier than thou, but after seeing her as the stammering mess when confronted by an uncomfortable topic... Katsumi couldn't see her any other way. "My quirk is known as Frostbite. While I do like building things, my favorite thing to do is ice skate in the winter."
Hatsume-sensei beamed, but Katsumi noticed her eyes were scanning every facet of her. It was strange, but perhaps it was a peculiarity due to her quirk. Moving on, she gestured to the boy sitting next to her, the one with four robot arms.

"I am Leonard... Penn, but please call me Leonard.. My quirk... is a bit hard to describe, but I am essentially mostly mechanical. The only parts made of any kind of flesh is my head and upper chest. My hobbies... I don't really have one? I guess maintain my home..."


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