The Slytherin Common Room

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An angry Amelia was a horrifying Amelia. Thor knew that, the avengers knew and hell even Heimdall knew that.

"The dungeons? Like where you keep the prisoners?" Thor gulped nervously but nodded nevertheless. "I'm safer on earth, I'll appoint Steve to be my personal bodyguard." she shot back and possibly win the debate.

"Mia, it's complicated alright? Your sickness, it's not of this world, not of earth...It's connected to the Aether." Thor sighed knowing it was safer this way.

"The what?"

"The Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter and seeks out to host bodies, drawing strength from their life force."

"That's a nice...okay" Thor saw her nervousness and sat next to her.

"I know you hate it Mia, but until we figure out how to cure you? I'm sorry."

"Fine, we need to make a deal though."


"When we get back to earth I get all your pop tarts.


"70% of pop tarts."

"Deal." Thor shook his hand with her, a small smile gracing their faces. "Take me to the Syltherin common room bro."

"The what?"

"OH MY GOD!" Thor jumped at her exclamation "you don't know Harry potter?" Thor shook his head, getting out a no "This is actually the worst day of my life." Thor sheepishly smiled at her, promising he'll find out what she was talking about, taking her down to the dungeons.

"There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk" Thor looked at Amelia as the two walked out, heading to the dungeons, his arm around her shoulder, supporting her as she was still doubling over in pain. "They were these stories mother told us as children."

"Monsters in the closet took a disturbing turn." Thor chuckled at her.

"But before that dawn the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged." Amelia nodded, Thor could see something going on in her mind, but continued as she encouraged him to do so. "Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether, drawing strength from their life force. My grandfather Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years, He killed them all."

"I'm guessing peace just went out the window?" Thor made a funny face, partially agreeing with her "I'm guess you don't know how to get the fluid out of Jane...I will never repeat those words again." Thor's booming laughter made her grimace in pain, and in her choice of words.

"We're here." Thor announced as they walked into the dungeons.

"I'm gonna be roommates with a bunch of nutjobs, till we figure this out?" Thor nodded solemnly "so nothing new?" She smirked thinking of her time in the Avengers Tower.

"We made this as comfortable as possible, you have complete isolation from the other prisoners" Thor laughed as Amelia gasped contently seeing the racks of books arranged on one of the walls, running towards the shelf, like a 5 year old towards a candy shop, she smiled as she went through each and every book. "told you."

"Is this like a lux prison cell or something? Like only for special people?" Thor pressed his lips into a thin line not liking his next words.

"Yeah, sort of? There's only one other person who's in these cells." Thor explained meekly, nodding his head towards the left, Amelia followed his line of sight, stopping dead in his tracks.

This was a bad idea.

Someone was going to die.

"This motherfucker?!" 

Attention reader this is your Author speaking: this is just a horrible storyline i knowwww *cries* it doesn't even make sense besties. 

and sorry this chapter is so short 

and most importantly we do not stan JK R**ling in this house. 


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