The Convergence

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"So who's Richard?"

Thor was worried for Amelia, she looked stoic, void of emotion but determined as ever. Loki's death affected her more than he had expected. Thor kept glancing at her as she kept curling and uncurling her fists frequently, Thor wanted to ask her something...anything but he refrained himself from doing so.

He supposed, no, he knew how people dealt with death, but Amelia, mere minutes ago she was screaming bloody murder, while Thor tried to detach her from Loki's pale body as he saw the storm coming in. and she went silent. Completely and totally silent. It scared him in all honesty.

Jane and Thor kept sharing looks watching the girl move forward. "There!" Thor followed Amelia to a cave sort of refuge.

"He's gonna unleash it, not just on Asgard or on a star, Malekith is gonna destroy everything."

"Earth..." Thor snapped at the sound of Amelia's realization "He's going to earth"

"She's right." Jane agreed "I saw him there, but why?"

"The Convergence." Thor and Amelia spoke in unison. Realization hitting on them.

"Oh, God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether." Thor stood up as he heard his love spiraling. "I only found it because I was looking for you." Before Thor could reassure her a ridiculous sound rang through.

"What the dick? Jane that's yours." Amelia looked at her with wide eyes. Thor just stared at them in confusion 'Really? Richard?" Thor watched them curiously. Who's Richard?

"Holy shit!" Thor was confused as ever and looked at Amelia for an explanation but clearly she was too busy being shocked.

"Okay then. I was just wondering if you want to try again. Uh...maybe dinner next time." Jealousy spread through him like a wildfire, Amelia patting his shoulder in sympathy. Thor followed the avenger as she bent down to pick up a set of keys. Running over to Jane, showing it to her. Thor was extremely confused.

"Why are there so many shoes in here?"

"Hey that's Ian's shoe...wait...why is that Ian's shoe?"

"Come on!" scientist grabbed the two avenger's hands walking forwards. Thor found himself on Midgard. Still following the women he got into the car in confusion.

"So who's Richard?"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

"Amelia! Jane!" Darcy Lewis greeted the girls, Thor walked in, placing his hammer on the hanger. "You can't just leave like that, the whole world is going crazy! All the stuff we saw is spreading" Noticing their very...Asgardian clothing she commented: "Were you at a party."

"Are you well, Erik?" Thor greeted the pant less scientist whose smile fell after a chuckle

"Oh your brother is not coming is he?" Thor's face fell, one of sorrow remembering his brother's sacrifice.

"Loki is dead." Thor knew he was the only one who saw Amelia stiffen at the mention, he really felt sorry for her.

"Oh thank god" the god looked at the man in confused who immediately apologized for the loss. Thor noticed Amelia mumble a small excuse leaving the room in a hurry. He also noticed she was still clutching something in her hand. Before he could make a move or a comment:

"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connected."

"We follow the directions. This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and The Ancients were there to see it. All the great constructions: the Mayas, the Chinese, the Egyptians, they made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map. Stonehenge. Snowdon, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking" Thor made the connection. All the lines coincided at one point.


Thor summoned the Mjölnir, ready to kill the man who had killed his mother, his brother, and hurt his people.

"Mia is that...?" Thor noticed a familiar ring, dangling on a chain, sitting on her neck. It was Loki's

"Protection." She simply stated walking out the house. A small smile made its way to Thor's face, Loki really gave that to her.

"I'll go with Jane and Erik, Dar you're with Ian, Thor you know what to do." Everyone nodded as Amelia stepped into her "Agent Artemis" persona, Now fully clothed in her combat SHIELD suit. Thor watched as she walked away with Jane and Selvig, Everyone stepping away with their assignments.

Thor kept taunting Malekith over and over to keep him busy till Jane could work her magic. Science but yes. Magic.

Attacking Malekith with his lightning over and over only to be bested as the dark elf wielded an infinity had the same power regardless.

He couldn't help but notice the alignment of worlds, it could mean one thing. This battle was going to be more unstable than he had originally expected.

At this moment, Thor hated the convergence, shifting between realms it looked like Malekith had the upper hand. And this instability wouldn't even help in his case for Called the Mjölnir. One moment in Midgard the other Svartalfheim to Jotunheim. He was refusing to give up.

Oh how annoyed Thor was to find himself in midgardian transport station. Sighing in defeat he got on the train, the only way to get to his destination.

"Thor!" he turned around at the sound of his love, who was followed by Selvig holding his devices and Amelia who was helping the humans get to safety. "We're too late."

"The convergence is at its peak."

"Can these things stop him?"

"Not from here"

"We can't get close enough." Amelia and Thor exchanged a look of understanding, a smirk making its way to her face.

"We can."

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