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"My wife...oh you heard me the first time I'll just-"

Two weeks. Two unbelievably gruesomely long weeks Loki sat there, day and night, watching Amelia's even breath indicating that she was alive. But not her voice, yelling at him, scolding him, laughing with him. Nothing and that's what worried him the most. That he missed her. He really did.

Every day on Asgard he thought maybe he could tell her he was okay, it wasn't her fault. But he couldn't it would risk his cover. For a second he was willing to give it away too.

Landing on sakaar, Loki used his silver tongue to gain the Grand-master's trust, he had to, if it meant Amelia would be safe and not some collateral damage from the gladiator-esque life she could be pulled into.

Every day the chamber-maids would come in and help Amelia clean herself, and Loki let them, but sometimes leaving her alone seemed too much for him. With one touch he could clean her without moving her. Whatever hela used to stab her was not of earth, he didn't know how it could affect her. And that scared him. But it was better, better than her fighting in the grand-master's little game.

Here's the catch.

"My wife, she's hurt."

That happened.

Loki had to prepare himself for when she wakes up, oh he was so dead when she finds out she's his "wife". The two even wore wedding rings, on Loki's ring finger sat a gold band and on Amelia sat a silver one, his ring, which he found around her neck. Loki's routine included being the silver tongued god outside, worry about Amelia, his brother and Asgard behind the closed doors. Time worked different here and Loki knew that. God! Was Thor even alive?

Loki looked at Sakaar, the view from their bedroom, it overlooked the chaotic kingdom. Oh how much he hated this place. He was in his own mind, his own world he didn't even realize a familiar brunette stood behind him with a mischievous grin. "I really hope you didn't choose this looks ridiculous." Loki screamed bloody murder falling flat on his ass. He panted looking at Amelia with wide eyes who laughed hard at his actions. Loki cracked a smile. There it was. He needed that.

"You're okay."

"I would pay to be stabbed by your hot sister." Amelia pressed her lips into a thin line nodding. Loki looked at her with an annoyed expression.

"By the Norns Amelia I thought you'd be dead! you stopped breathing for some time there" Loki came to a horrid realization, his voice being silenced looking at Amelia who looked at the ground. He made her feel like this. "I'm sorry." he apologized, his voice soft.

"Where are we?" Loki sighed knowing he messed up. Honestly he thought by this time she would've killed him easily.

"On a planet called Sakaar, It's basically lawless."

"Like Madripoor." Loki raised his brow, her words going straight over his head, but continued nevertheless.

"It's been two weeks, I think? I'm not sure...time isn't's weird." at this point he was just talking to himself he didn't even notice Amelia spiraling.

"Oh my god...oh my god! I've been out for two weeks?"

"Probably more, I mean-" he immediately shut himself up when her glare burned on his skin.

"I told Steve I'd be back soon! Oh god he's probably going out of his mind what if they got caught oh my god." Amelia paced around the room, seeming stressful.

"Lia, Lia hey stop." he placed his hands on her shoulder "breathe." he inhaled dramatically, trying to get her to relax. His cold fingers now moved to her temples, softly brushing it. She didn't know. She just thought it was comforting gesture. He knew, he was clearing her head from the stressing thoughts.

"Right, okay." Loki awkwardly stood not knowing what to do with his hands anymore "tell me everything." so he did. He told how they had landed here. How he managed to gain the favors of the grandmaster, and the part he was dreading "and you're my wife...just like a general information." He was mentally counting down the seconds till he was set on fire.

"I'm your what?"

"My wife...oh you heard me the first time I'll just-" he pursed his lips together. Blinking nervously as he watched the gears in her head turn.

"so we're on an unknown planet, basically with zero identity, with zero sense of time, front row seat to Russell Crowe's Gladiator live adaptation, no idea where Thor is, where hela is, Asgard in unsafe, and...I'm your wife." Loki nodded to each one, giving her a thumbs up and a half grin.

"See! You're getting it."

"I might actually pay your sister to stab me." Loki frowned at her words, the two sitting on the bed. Loki flinched as she stood up suddenly. Loki rolled his eyes, knowing what the burning question in her mind was.

"Nope, I took the couch."

"Oh...that's...thanks?" Loki nodded with a smirk.

"I mean now that you're awake I don't see anything- wow Thor was right, Angry you is very scary." his smirk still intact.

"Oh! I almost forgot, the grandmaster wanted to see you one you had woken up." Loki informed with a sympathetic look as she flopped back on the bed

"I'm going back into a coma."

A/n: Happy new year my loves💜💜💜

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