Fancy meeting you here

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I'm sitting in my room.
My chest feeling constricted.
Fingers tugging on the roots of my hair.
Breathing becoming short.
As the feeling of suffocating starts to overwhelm me for the 10th time this week I slide on the first pair of shoes I see and dig through my stash hidden at the back of my dresser drawer.

Keys jingling I'm my pocket as I skip the last couple of stairs, I dive into my car and drive to the nearest beach.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff over looking the ocean I try and battle my thoughts, realising that it's not going to work I dig through the deep pockets of my black joggers my finger grazing what I'm looking for.
Fishing it out with my hand there are two pre-rolls and five Xanax bars. Swallowing three of the white pills I take a deep inhale before lighting the blunt.

Blonde hair being invaded by smoke and ash scattering my clothes that I've been wearing for two days the drugs slowly start enveloping Me in to there warn embrace.

Swaying on the edge of the cliff lyrics start flooding My brain. Taking out my phone I start to slur them into a Snapchat to save in my memories.

"You called me again drunk in your Benz, driving home under the influence."

"La da da da but I'm wasting my breath coz you only listen to your fucking friends"

The light pitter patter of paws brings me back to reality, or as close as I can get at this drug induced moment. Turning around I see a blue nose Pit bull ( in this story shark is going to be Sully's.)
Coaxing it over the puppy lays it's head on my lap and I stroke it and continue to look out into the distance.

"Shark" A slightly familiar voice calls.
Turning towards it I see a stature of a woman coming towards me, the moonlight highlighting there flawless face....oh future bodyguard is about to see me off my face on god knows what and I don't have the will to even try and hide it.

As they come closer they seem to also recognise me.


Going on my late night walk with shark I decide to take a different root to clear my head a little bit.
As shark runs off into the distance I follow his shadow not needing to be home very soon.

Calling out his name I see him snuggled up with a strangely familiar person on the side of a cliff, not wanting to startle who ever it is I call sharks name again to let who ever it is know I'm close.

As I came closer, the woman in question turns around allowing me to see there face.

It's Billie.
Wait what the hell is Billie doing here alone on the later half of midnight, deciding I have nowhere important to be I take a seat next to the lonely singer slightly away from the cliff.

"What's up pop star"

"HeI Emma"

" when did you find out my actual name" I question slightly confused by her dissociated voice.

"Ohhhoohhhooo I read your file thingy"

"Mhm Bill look at me for a second" I say slowly getting more concerned by her withdrawn state.

"Nickname's now huh sully booooo"
She slurs trying to change the subject all the while avoiding eye contact and stroking the dog nestled in her lap.

"Billie" I sternly say grabbing her cheeks lightly while turning her to finally face me now I can see her face more clearly.

"Uh ohs, umph...hewo sully when did you get so.....close.....can't......breath.... Let go...sully please...."

I withdraw my hands even more concerned then before seeing her drugged distressed self.

"Billie I need you to look at me, I won't hurt you... I promise your safe"

She finally turns to me to uncover a nerving sight. Tears welling in her eyes to stubborn to fall gracefully down her cheeks as she sniffles and looks back to the distance.


"No not really bill what's wrong, you can tell me I promise your safe"

" aah.. fuck this shit, I do drugs because my life is an insufferable mess and every time I feel like I can take a breath some bullshit gets forced down my throat. I hate it here, and now I have to leave my one happy place to be over worked and dragged around the world unable to breath for months"

Speechless I rap her in a tight hug almost faltering when I feel her hot breath on my neck and a hand drop down to my crotch area.
Not now Em this is not the time.

We sat there for hours that night all the way till sunrise nothing shared but a few sniffles until Maggie called worried about where she had been all night.
Before leaving Billie made me swear not to say anything about last night and to forget about it, but something in the back of my mind as I was waking back home told me it wasn't going to be that easy.


People are actually reading this shit what the hellllllll

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