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I rush down to the woods after leaping out of my car going down the same trail me and Billie went down a while back after her concert to clear her head.

Getting close to the tree I don't see her at first but then I saw a flash a blonde hair fall backwards from at least 10 foot high.

Collapsing to my feet I cradle her in my lap mindful not to move her neck to much.
I grasp my phone and dial 999.

"Hello this is 999 how my I help yo-"


"Mam I'm going to need you to calm down, can you check her pulse for me please"

"THERE IS NO TIME TO CALM DOWN, I HAVE A SUSPECTED OVERDOSE CAUSED BY GOD KNOWS WHAT, YES THERE IS A PULSE BUT ITS FAINT. Please help me I can't lose her.... I love her" I whisper as my voice cracks at the end.

"Okay hun help is on the way, about five minutes and your friend will be safe, can you give me the name."

"YES UUHHH yes the person is Billie Eilish, I am her bodyguard and she left before I could help her"

*back ground noise* "yes I need a unit out as fast as possible, suspected overdose. Yes, uh huh, name is Billie eilish. Okay great"

"Help is just around the corner sweetie. They will be with you as soon as they can. Can you do me a favour and turn your flash light on so they can see you more clearly"

"Ok yep, ok done"
"Come on bill don't die on me, not today, please. please god not today."

I place her into the recovery position and cry into her shoulder, the clattering of boots soon creeping towards us.

I hang up the phone.

"Ok mam I need you to step away"

I do just that and watch as they carefully slump her almost lifeless body on to the gurney and whisk her away into the ambulance.

I jump in the back and sob as I try to see my phone good enough to call Maggie and tell her the horrid news.

"hey Maggie I need you and Finneas to meet us at Berlin's angel city hospital"

"Why what's wrong, why do you sound like your crying.....wait,....oh god no, is it my baby, Emma what happened, please tell me my baby is ok" She says clearly choking up.

I don't know ok Maggie, I'm so sorry but I don't know. She left a note under my door telling me where she had gone, I called her and she seemed really off so I said I was coming to get her. When I had gotten there she had fallen off a tree, I think it's the drugs Maggie"

"What drugs, my baby was taking drugs. No, No, No. ok I'm on my way with Fin, we'll meet you there"

I sit there and cry until we got to the hospital.

Billie was rushed away.

I was made to sit and wait anxiously for her mother and brothers arrival.

They came barging through the door moments later, both looking devastated and all we could do was sit and wait....

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