Wake up

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It's been two days now and Billie is meant to wake up within the next hour.

All of us are here seemingly practising in our heads what we are going to say to her once she wakes up, well at least I am.

We sit and patiently wait all of us getting fidgety with suspense, knees bouncing, frantically wondering eyes and chewed nails being common with the four.

All the sudden Finneas bounces up and all of our eyes shoot to him.


Maggie let's put a squeal of joy knowing there daughter will be properly here with them soon.

"Come on Billie do it again, squeeze my hand"

I don't stay much longer as I dash out the door shouting for a doctor.

By the time I get back to the room with a doctor at tow billies eyes are shielded with her hand as she searches around the room, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she sees me.

"Who are you?"

We all stop.
The room goes so quiet you could literally hear a pin drop.

"Na I'm just kidding boiiiii, hey fin"


She seems very...ok for a person that just tried to kill herself.

I look at Finneas confused and he gives me a look that says he'll tell me later.

Billie winks at me as she gets looked over by the doctor and I just give her a small smile still confused by the drastic personality change.

Billie is given the all good by the doctor and I leave the room realising that Maggie and Patrick are about to have a serious Conversation, which intern gives me some great full looks by the two as Finneas follows me out.

"So what was that????" I stress turning around to face Finneas in the corridor.

"You see Billie does this thing where she acts like nothing happened and that she's fine.
She thinks that if she pushes it away she doesn't have to deal with the consequences of her actions and move on."

"So what do we do"

"I act like it's fine until I have a chance alone to talk to her which is what my parents are doing now, this way she doesn't feel attacked and like she's hurt everyone, when someone she loves is sad it makes her feel 1000% worse and she doesn't need that right now obviously."

"Ok I kind of understand that, but Jesus she just tried to... well you know and she's making jokes."

"It's just how she copes, I don't know"

We go back into the room to see the two with blood shot eyes and a Billie with a very regretful look in her dreary blue eyes.

Time skip

Maggie and Patrick are currently out picking us up food and Finneas is out getting Claudia his girlfriend who has only just managed to come out to Berlin.

Now is my chance to talk to Billie.

I take her hand and look her strait in the eye.

"Why?" is the only thing that I could manage to get out but she seemed to realise the weight of that one simple question.

"Because I felt like I was stuck, people say just go with the wave but I'm terrified of the sea, the waves make me feel claustrophobic and the salt stings my eyes, my best friend and the only person to truly understand me in this industry was shot dead, I just couldn't take it anymore. I was drowning"
I wipe the tear from her face.

"How artsy" I whisper with a small chuckle

She laughs with me so I know I made the right move.

I take a deep breath, I'm going to tell her how I feel.

"Billie I like—"

Just in that moment Maggie and Patrick come through the door.

I send Billie a look letting her know I'll tell her later.

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