Part 12: The Wild Witch

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The next morning, the two girls ate breakfast in the dining hall. Silbi was a little grumpy this morning since she didn't get much sleep, but she looked determined to stay awake. Dawn drinks her coffee when the Golden Guard enters the room. He tells Dawn that the emperor wanted to speak with her and even take her out somewhere.

Dawn agrees to go see the emperor while Silbi demands to come along. The Golden Guard tells her it isn't some field trip while Silbi demands to see the emperor. Dawn convinces the Golden Guard to let Silbi come even if it's for a little while. The Golden Guard sighs grudgingly and allows Silbi to come with them. So, after breakfast, they went to go see the emperor while Silbi scurries ahead.

As soon as they entered the throne room, Silbi forms a circle and teleports. Emperor Belos was reading reports from the Construction Coven when Silbi appears on his lap. He glances down at the witchling on his lap, who sits casually and glances back at the emperor.

 She gave him a cute frown and points at him. "I shall call thee Mr. Chair!"

"Pardon?" replied the emperor while Dawn restrains her laughter.

The Golden Guard shouts, "Hey! Get off of him!"

"No!" said Silbi and declared. "Papa is my chair for the day!"

"Why you---!!" The Golden Guard was about to tackle Silbi when Emperor Belos stops him. "It's alright, Golden Guard. This is nothing."

"But . . !" The teen protests while Silbi glares at the emperor for that comment, but doesn't say anything about it.

Dawn approaches the emperor and asks, "You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Belos," said the emperor, making the two children look at him in shock. Dawn was shocked herself and had to ask. "E-Excuse me?"

"You will call me Belos, my dear," said the emperor. "Anyways, I've summoned you here because there is somewhere I wish to take you. Would you mind accompanying me, Dawn? It won't take too long."

Dawn was taken by surprise and wondered what the emperor meant by this. Silbi asks, "I go, too?"

"No, dear child," said Emperor Belos as he gazes down at the witchling. "I'm afraid you'll have to stay behind for this one."

"Boo, no fair," pouted Silbi as she crosses her tiny arms. She grumbles, "Papa is still in twouble."

Emperor Belos replies, "I know, dear one, but you can be with the Golden Guard for the time being."

"What?!" exclaimed the teen.

Emperor Belos uses magic to lift Silbi off his lap and sends her to the Golden Guard. The young boy quickly stretched out his arms and catches Silbi awkwardly. He protests, "B-But, uncle! I can't babysit this brat! What if she goes nuts again?!"

"Then you'll figure out what to do," answered Emperor Belos as he stands up and goes to Dawn and offers her his arm. "Take it as experience, Hunter. I'm sure you can handle a toddler. Besides, I think Silbi will like you. Come along, Dawn."

"Y-Yes . . . Belos," answered Dawn, who accepts his arm and leaves with him.

Hunter is left alone with Silbi as she looks up at the lost teen and coos.


Emperor Belos escorts Dawn to the Conformatorium, where all wild and misfitted witches are kept. Dawn holds on to Belos's arm and looks around, seeing all sorts of witches. They go deeper and, after talking with Warden Wrath, went to a cell where a single witch sits.

The wild witch looked like a more traditional witch in Dawn's eyes. It was an elderly woman with long grey hair and wore blue and red clothing and a witch's pointy hat. She kept her head low when they approached her as she was bound by her chains.

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