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PENNYWISE: I Can See The Light

grape: good thats step 1, now start walking towards it


grape: :)

hairbychrissy: tips glasses in disgust

hairbychrissy: hiso why csn you see rhe light


PENNYWISE: giggles evil

PENNYWISE: taps fingers together in malice

fergalicious: stop tapping your fingers together in malice

PENNYWISE: dear children, you see, im being called forth by the divine light because...

PENNYWISE: i exploded on impact from the force of my nuts ramming into your mother

cyka: i hate you

cyka: i wilk never look jn your dirsction again

cyka: i am toing to get a restrainubg order

cyka: i am blokcing you on everything

cyka: NEVER contact me again

cyka: - sent with extreme hate and bad intentions, yours truly, Killua Zoldyck.

grape: lets all get a restrainubg order against him # family bonding

PENNYWISE: looks at you with pain inbmg eyes

grape: dont look at me like that, dont act straight when youre gay

PENNYWISE: i am straight wdym...

grape: ENOUGH.

inspector gadget: wow hisoka are uou straight baiting right now.

Neighborly Genocide 🥺❤️🥰Where stories live. Discover now