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3 hours into the drive.

There's already been 7 bathroom breaks, once mishap, and three aux-cord WARS.

Currently, Kalluto and Feitan were arguing over the said aux.

"Listen here you emo shortstack, if you don't hand me that cord right now i'm gonna throw hands." Kalluto seethed, yanking the wire higher. Feitan glared, tugging it downwards. "You whore hand it over!" He complained.

Bisky registered the two arguing, but didn't do anything about it. She just sat back and observed with her stupid ass shit eating grin. Smug little fucker.

The other half of the Bus ? was just as noisy. With excessive shouting, incoherent summoning, random yipping, and a WWE match.

Kurapika was curled up on the very back of the bus, trying to get some sleep. Which was quite impossible with Leorio and Feitan arguing in the seats in front of them.

Killua and gon were in a seat together, watching something off of Gon's phone. It was mostly tiktoks, but they would occasionally switch over to netflix. You know they be watching Lucifer.

Milluki, Illumi, and Hisoka were also by the back of the bus. They didn't talk much. Milluki was on his phone, as well was Hisoka. Illumi was reading something about...shoe shiner? Polish? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alluka, Zushi, Ikalgo, Shizuku, and Shalrnark were in the middle row of the bus playing fucking Yahtzee?

Tf is a yahtzee?


"Alright everyone~!! We're fourrrrrr — hourrrsssss —— innnnn!! We're gonna pause for a bathroom break." Bisky announced into the intercom. Kurapika shot up in their seat at the obnoxious squeaking that is Miss Biscuit Krueger.

"Can we also stop for McDonalds?" Alluka yelled from her spot on the floor. Bisky pursed her lips, contemplating.

Was this bitch serious? She shoved more then 5 mentally ill teens into one area and is trying to decide if she should feed them or not?

She sighed, crossing her arms. "Do you have-"

"If you ask us if we have McDonalds money i'm stealing Ronald McDonald from the restaurant and hoarding him in the bus." Killua snapped, poking his head out in the aisle.

"But Killua we already have our very own personal Ronald McDonald?" Gon reminded, sending a shitty smirk towards Hisoka. Bisky slammed her head against the wheel, successfully making the horn thingy go off.

"We can get McDonalds." She decided.

God and with those words hell broke loose, the Horde of teens ran off that mothafucka and into the restaurant barely 3 seconds as the words sounded into the air.

Once Freddy Krueger— my bad, Biscuit Kruger, entered they had mostly finished ordering. The broke college student cashier looked scared, but continued to write down the orders.

"What would you like?" The Cashier asked, making direct eye contact. Bisky smiled, giving her a wave. "I'm also ordering with them. Id like just some fries!"

"Alright. Is your orders to go or....?"

"No, we'll eat here!"

"Ok. Your total is $24.99-"

Bisky glared at the gremlins behind her, but nodded her acknowledgment. They walked to the back of the restaurant as a bug group. Once they sat, she slammed her hands on the table.

A few flinched away from her.

"Who the hell brought the total up to 25$ for fucking McDonalds?" She interrogated. They all shared a terrified look.


They were back in the bus, 30 minutes later with the Mccy D leftova's.

It was getting much darker out, and the bus lights were barely sufficient. Most of the phones were dead or dying, the aux broke, and the window didn't roll down.

"Bisky turn the ac up it's really fucking hot in here." Hisoka complained, munching on a french fry

"Just take your hoodie off-"

"I did."

"Well then you'll be fine."

"It's real fucking hot in here, good ol Bisk."

She rolled her eyes, but she ended up cranking the AC up.

The bus was very cramped, and they quickly found out that it's gonna be a bit hard for sleeping arrangements. Kurapika didn't give a fuck, and they just took over the back row. They weren't going to sleep for a while tho.

Killua, Alluka, Zushi, and Gon made a blanket bed thingy? They were sitting there chillin, watching Breaking Dawn off of Melody's amazon prime.

"Holy shit he just got his head torn off!" Alluka whispered giggling slightly, and leaning closer to the screen. Killua snorted, continuing to braid  a piece of her hair with speed. Gon gave them a weird look, because yes the dudes head did get torn off, and they were laughing?? Zushi was Zushi, he was unhealthily tired, on the brink of sleep. He vaguely noted that another person had got torn in half in the movie.  Oh joy.

Illumi was curled up in fetal position, asleep on one of the seats. Hisoka was next to him, with his phone propped up on the window. He was doing a tiktok dance, which resulted in him almost waking up Illumi.

If he managed that feat there would be more then murder happening.

and Kalluto was watching our queen Tati's tiktoks. This random kid on omegle asked her if she was Little Tyke, and right then and there kalluto almost pissed themself in laughter.

Shizuku and Machi we're also asleep in a seat. Cuddling or not. Mayhaps~

Shalrnark was in the front seat, vibin to Bisky's ranting about the wine mom's at book club.

This is what the next 5 hours of that stupid bus trip would be like.

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