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lululemon: illumi.......

grape: im scared

grape: what do you want

lululemon: do you go...to...jury duty....

grape: im not registered to vote

lululemon: but youre 18

grape: and apparently youre an idiot because thats not how voting registration works

lululemon: UNCALLED FOR

wonka: wow illumi shame on you for bullying a little girl

cyka: wow illumi

PENNYWISE: wowwwww

wonka: wait

wonka: didnt you vote last election

grape: no

PENNYWISE: that was me, ik ik save the appluase 💪

lululemon: DO /YOU/ GI TO JUDY DUTY?

inspector gadget: the naaaaame game judy judy judy bo booty banana fanna fa footy  

m0th: lana banana arc

PENNYWISE: the other blonde nun was pretty not sister jude tho sister jude was ugly

PENNYWISE: but no i haven't been chosen for jury duty yet #best ones always finish last 😔😔

kaka: isnt jury duty for like old people

kaka: and not you guys old like ANCIENT old people, like straight from mesopotamia

cyka: OHHH like zeno old?

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