The first phase

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Meanwhile with Gon

"Haven't seen you here before." A guy with a round figure walked up to us.

"You can tell?" I asked.

"More or less this is my thirty fifth attempt!" The man said with a wide grin.

"There's nothing to be proud of." Mumbled kurapika crossing his arms.

"I am what you say an exam veteran. Feel free to ask me anything you want, I'm tonpa."

"I'm gon, this is kurapika and leorio!"

While tonpa was telling us about the veterans and their abilities, we heard screaming coming from the crowd; a man was slowly losing his arms which turn into flower petals. A man who was wearing a clown or jester outfit was laughing maniacally,"When you bump into someone make sure to apologize."

"Ah, great the psychopath is back." Said tonpa in a low tone.

"Back? did he fail last year's exam?" Asked leorio.

"Number 44 hisoka the magician he got disqualified last year because he was about to kill an examiner."

Our eyes widened,"and they are still allowing him to retake it?? " Leorio asked furiously.

"Every year, the examiners and the test contents change, it doesn't matter who takes the exam, heck even the devil can take and pass the exam, and that little demon beside him. " He mumbled the last part but we all heard him clearly.

"Lexi is a veteran????" We asked.

"No no she is not a veteran but she came in with hisoka and they have been together since the beginning they probably know each other but they are both dangerous I suggest you stay away from both." He stated.

"Why should we stay away from Lexi she's really nice?" I asked tonpa.

Who replied,"She may look nice but that girl is a demon besides who would hangout with that psychopath other than people like him, oh yeah here is a little something to mark our acquaintance." He handed us a 3 cans of juice.

We clinked our cans together then opened them. I lifted the can to my lips and drank the juice not a second later I spit it out.
"Tonpa-san I think the juice has expired it tastes funny." I said.

"Eh, really am s-sorry I didn't realize it has gone b-bad."

Leorio did a spit take while kurapika just flipped the can over and threw everything out.

"There's no need to apologize I've sampled all kinds of mountain grasses and plants so I usually know when something has gone bad." I said with a wide grin.

Tonpa apologized again before walking away.

An alarm rang out of nowhere startling everyone the wall opened revealing a purple haired man,"I apologize for the wait, the entry for the hunter's applicants has ended, the hunter exam will now begin."

"A final word of caution if you are short on luck I advice you to leave otherwise you will end up severely injured or dead those who accept this please follow me." He added.

The crowd started walking but by every passing minute we were picking up our pace untill we were now running, I looked around me and saw Hisoka and lexi running next to each other and next to them was a creepy looking man.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am statoz the phase one examiner I shall lead you to the second phase I cannot tell you where it is or when we'll arrive, all you have to do is follow me ."

Lexi P.O.V
We have been running for a while now I noticed gon was talking with the white haired boy so I decided to head to there direction plus hisoka was starting to creep me...
"Hey gon!"I greeted.

"Oh hey lexi, this is killua he is also our age."

"Cool, hey killua."

"Hey, me and gon are doing a race whoever wins will buy the other lunch do you wanna join?" He asked.

"Hmm ok I was starting to get bored anyways."

To be continued

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