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Third person POV

Killua zoldyck an assassin who never felt love, Lexi odella a murderer from the infamous Phantom troupe, who knew this was going to happen, people destined to meet will do so at precisely the right moment...

Killua had told lexi about gon's plans due to the fact that they were done with heaven's arena, their main goal was for gon to return hisoka's card that he got from him in his hunter's exam and fortunately he did.

Then they decided to meet up with gon outside heaven's arena, they said their goodbye's to zushi and wing and left.

"Well you finally accomplished your objective, right?" Asked killua to gon.


"Then we don't have any more business here, what are you going to do?"

"Go back to whale island."

"Whale island?"

"Uh-huh, I was able to return the favor to hisoka, so I want to go back to the island, and show Mito-san my license, it's been over half a year since I left."

"I guess I'll come with you."


"I'd like to meet Mito-san, what about you lexi?"

"Umm...I guess I'll come too."

"Yay, then let's go together." Gon cheered.

"Yeah, we'll just tag along." Replied killua.

Looking back one last time,

"bye- bye heaven's arena."


After a long journey they reached whale island and gon was so excited to see his aunt again, while on the other hand lexi felt a bit shy and killua tried to act cool about it, but she knew better.

On top of a hill was a young woman, with short hair hanging up the laundry, gon ran up to her and hugged her saying that he was finally home.

"You must be killua, and lexi?"


"Sheesh, you should have let me know you were coming home, I didn't have time to prepare anything." Complained aunt mito.

"It's no big deal, whatever is fine." Said gon

"What are you saying?, Your friends came all the way here to visit."

"No, it's okay." Replied killua while lexi nodded.

"Honestly, you should have said something first..."

"Oh that's right, take a bath while I make something to eat, and out your dirty clothes, I'll be doing laundry."

"okay later."





After counting to ten the boys ran up while lexi sat there shyly fiddling with her fingers it wasn't like she ever did such stuff.
Normally she would just break into a house get what Chrollo wants and go out, and the people's lives depended on what Chrollo told her to do, so this was all new.

"Must be hard, being with then all the time huh?"


"I see... Anyways dear, the boys are going to finish bathing soon do you have a new change or should I give u some old clothes of mine?"

"Umm...I used everything but-"

"Alright follow me, I have a bunch of clothes from back when I was your age, I'm sure you'll like something."

Mito-san took lexi to her room upstairs and she pulled out a huge box filled with dresses nicely folded.

Although wearing a dress or a skirt wasn't Lexi's thing but she decided to get out of her usual clothes.

So after the boys' bath, lexi went in and finally relaxed, all of her body was sore from all the fights and work she did, she felt something she didn't feel with anybody other than chrollo, it was like she was safe and relaxed, back when she was with chrollo she would always feel safe cause no matter what danger they are in she would know that somebody has her back and after building up and unbreakable trust for years Chrollo was someone she deeply loved that she saw him as home, wherever she  would be if it was with Chrollo it felt like home,


She wasn't with chrollo right now,

She was with her boyfriend killua and her friend Gon the first two people who she called friends, the spiders were her family,
But gon and killua were different.

She suddenly heard a knock on the door,

"Lexi! Lunch is ready hurry up or gon is going to finish it all." Killua exclaimed.

Coming, she sighed and got up she put on the clothes that she chose and opened the door, there was killua waiting,

"Oh finally what took you so-"

"Does this look okay?"

"It looks better than okay." He muttered with a soft smile on his face.

She smiled back at him while saying a small thank you.

"Let's go their waiting for us."



After having lunch together gon showed his aunt the hunter's license and she didn't seem very amused saying it looks pretty normal.

Then gon took his aunt's permission to show lexi and killua around the island,

They ran across rivers and on top of the rocks untill they reached a hill that had an amazing view of the beach, then gon taught killua fishing and lexi watched the two catch a big fish, they took it and decided to have their lunch.

After having lunch the three laid down and watched the stars

"Hey gon, what are you going to do now?"
Asked killua.

"For now, I'll rest up here while I gather information, the information I'll need before I go to yorknew  to look for my dad."

"Oh...what should I do?"

"Huh? You should stay here and then go to yorknew with me and lexi!"

"Yeah I'm coming with you, but who said lexi is going to york new?"

"What you're not coming with us?" Gon asked lexi.

I...I have allot of things to do in york new I'm afraid I won't be able to be with you two all the time but... I'll make sure to visit every now and then.

"So you won't be able to stay with us here for a few more days?" Asked killua.

"I'm sorry."

"Hey it's fine you said you'll be coming to see us so it's alright we can manage." Replied gon.

"Yeah I guess so..." Said killua sadly.

To be continued...

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