Diluc x Reader ◇

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"Miss Y/N? Do you have a moment?" One of the maids, Adelinde, briefly pulled you to the side.
"Mhm, what is it?" You asked her, rubbing your right eye in tire.

"Well... me and the other maids here are getting quite worried. You seem to be working yourself until you fall unconscious, and that really is not healthy! It's not my place to tell you what to do, but maybe take a well-earned break?" Adelinde nervously looked you in the eyes.

"Oh, I appreciate the offer, but I'm okay. Besides, I have a lot of work to do. See you later!" In a hurry, you quickly left the room. Adelinde was anxiously watching you.

- Diluc POV -
I heard the door to my office knock.
"Oh? Come in." Sighing, I stacked all of my paperwork and placed it aside. To my surprise, Adelinde walked in to the room. She looked a bit worried and uneasy.

"Adelinde? Is everything okay?" I looked at her and gestured for her to take a seat. She declined my offer.
"I'm sorry to bother you, Master Diluc, but this is about Y/N." Her subject of conversation gave me a little fright. Was she alright? Has she done something bad? Many questions were ringing through my ears.

"What's the matter with her?" I immediately stopped what I was doing and concentrated on what Adelinde had to say.
"I don't think she wanted me to let you know, but as her partner, I think you should..." Adelinde started; "Anyway, Y/N... she's been... off, recently." I felt my face burn up.

"Did someone hurt her?" My tone started to get more serious, every word I spoke.
"Oh, not at all! I just feel she has been overworking herself so much. The other night, she just passed out in the middle of her studies, and her temperature was burning up. I'm getting very concerned about her health."

I didn't want to hear anymore. It hurt. Something made me think it was partially my fault - but I couldn't bare to lose anyone else that I deeply care about.
"Thank you for telling me. Would you mind sending her up here?" I wiped my forehead in relief that she wasn't hurt by anyone.

"Of course."

- Your POV -
"Diluc?" You entered his office. The air felt thin, or maybe it was just because you were nervous?
"Y/N... are you okay, love?" He asked you. At first you felt confused - but then it hit you. Adeline told him.

"O-Oh, yeah. I'm okay..." You felt so thirsty, tired and dizzy, the room started to spin.
Diluc had gotten up and held you in his arms, in case you felt nauseous or like you were about to faint again.

"Adeline told me you've been overworking and not looking after yourself properly. Is this true? I hate to see you in this state..." Diluc's words were soft and calm, he rocked you in his arms slowly so that you could talk to him.

It was difficult to get the words out, but you trusted Diluc. More than anyone or anything else.
"Yeah.. I just.. I want to get everything done, so I can take a long break.. with you." The last two words hit him like a punch in the stomach. He was glad you wanted to be with him, but felt hurt that you'd sicken yourself for him at the same time.

"Oh, come here.." Diluc pulled you closer and you both took a seat on a comfy chair. You lay your head on his chest and sighed. Your eyes fluttered shut from all of the sleepless nights.

Diluc quietly stroked your hair and gave you head kisses in between. He truly cared about you and never ever would let you hurt yourself for him.

He seemed to notice you dozing off every now and then.
"Awh.. you can sleep, dear. I'll keep you safe." Those words made all of the tiredness and hard work hit you like a bus.

"...I love you.." You whispered under your breath and intertwined your fingers with Diluc's.

"I love you too, darling."

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