Diluc <3 [School AU]

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"Pleaseeee?" I begged as Diluc, who was my good friend for a while, glanced down at me. His voice was stern and his expression didn't seem to change at all. He was like a robot.


"But the game won't be fun if you don't try! I promise I won't be angry if you hurt me. It's just a game."

Diluc shook his head and was about to walk away, but I grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back.
He looked surprised.

"Why don't you want to play? Is it because I joined?"

He didn't say anything. That was clearly the reason why.

"...I'd feel terrible if I hurt you."
He replied, not willing to make eye contact with me. Before I could say anything, the coach came up to us holding a ball.

"You two ready?"

I stared at Diluc and nodded.
"Yeah, we're ready."

"Great! Remember, this is a practice round for the two of you. The other team members weren't able to make it tonight, so just play until the clubs end."

The coach threw the ball in the air and I caught it. With that, the games begun.


Upon catching it, I raised my eyebrows and ran the opposite direction even if it meant Diluc wasn't going to follow me.

Though, to my surprise, he sprinted after me. A smile grew on my face and I ran faster.

I was getting close to the end of the pitch, but Diluc came out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground. It caught me by surprise, but nevertheless I was glad he didn't go easy on me.

"You okay?"

I wiped my forehead with my arm and looked into his fiery red eyes. I always knew he was handsome, but seeing him up close made my heart ache.

He noticed the redness in my face and chuckled, lending a hand out to help me up. I gratefully took it and got off of the grass.

I handed him the ball and tried to catch my breath, while simultaneously getting ready to run.

Diluc ran as fast as he could to the other side of the pitch, not looking back. His red locks blew with the wind - I lost track and slowed down.

Before I knew it, he was at the goal and was confused to see me in the middle.

"What are you doing?"
He called out, almost smiling at me.

I caught up to him and put my hand on my chest.
"Your hair was like... flying..."

"You're meant to have your eyes on the ball, not my hair. No wonder you didn't get very far."

"Maybe you should cut your hair, then. That way, I'd be at the goal way before you are. " I was joking, of course. Luckily, he took it the right way.

"Is that so? How about we race, then?
We'll see who's faster."

I agreed and we both got ready.

Diluc looked at me, a few seconds before we started.



He quickly but gently took my hand and kissed my knuckles, and then ran.
I felt my face heat up but I still wanted to win - I ignored what he did and sprinted as fast as I could.

Of course he started before me so he won the race, but I reached the end a few seconds after him.

"So, do you want to tell me what that was?" I peered the other way in embarrassment. Diluc laughed at me.

"I won. Plus, I saw how red your face went when I tackled you earlier. It was quite funny, and I wanted to see it again. It's not likely of me but... I'll admit I enjoyed the sight."

"You're so annoying..." I mumbled, with a wide grin on my face. I walked away and stepped into the locker room to get changed.


When I had my stuff and was ready to leave, I noticed Diluc leaning against a wall with his own stuff, waiting for me.

"Want me to walk you home?"
I loved how he always asked before making a move... even though he didn't exactly do so a few minutes before.

"I'd like that."
I replied, putting my hand out.

Diluc took my hand and intertwined his fingers with my own.
We walked back to our homes in the dark, with nothing but our hands the moon guiding us through the misty fog.

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