[Abyss] Aether x Reader

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Aether turned around as he heard a knock at his door.
"Enter." He folded his arms and awaited for whoever wanted to see him.

"Your highness, we caught somebody lurking around the area who is not affiliated with the abyss. Two guards have her captured at the moment. What shall we do?"

Aether thought for a second.
"Send her here. I'll deal with the situation myself."

They were a little shocked to have such a small matter given to the prince himself to resolve, but did not disagree.

Moments later, the same guards walked back in, holding my inner elbows tightly - so tight that it probably left a mark.

"Let go of her." Aether demanded. They let go of me and my knees hit the ground harshly.

"...What are you still doing here? Leave." The guards immediately left the room and closed the door behind them.

Me and Aether exchanged glances for a second, before we both grinned.
"Acting on point, Y/N." He quietly laughed and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back.
"Those guards are harsh. My arms hurt."

"Ah, sorry about that. It was the only way to get you in without attracting any attention.

"Don't worry about it. Though I really missed you, Aether. It's been boring without you." I sighed under my breath.

"I'm here, now. I will try keep you here as long as I can before they try to persuade me to do something with you."

"And what would that be?" I teased. Aether's cheeks tinted pink as he realized what he said.

"N-Not like that..! Ugh... they'll probably just make me throw you out, or threaten you to never tell anyone about the abyss."

I chuckled and sat down.
"Oh, nothing serious, then. Not too bad, I suppose."

Aether sighed.
"Yes, but I can't think of any other ways to see you. I'm not going to be able to stay away from you for long."

"Clingy, are we?"

"Y/N, I could kill you in a heartbeat. Stop teasing!" He tried to threaten me, but it sounded more like a child had said it.

"You wouldn't." I grinned, to which I just got a pissed glare in return.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop! We'll probably think of something at some point." I looked down, indicating I was trying to come up with something - but my mind went blank.

"Yeah, but how long is that going to take? Weeks, months? I love you, Y/N, and I don't want to continue only spending time with you in secret." Aether quickly blurted out.

Even that took me by surprise.
"You do...?"

He couldn't take back what he had said already, so he had no choice but to nod.
"I think the only way... would be for you to join the abyss..." Aether glanced up at me anxiously.


"It's up to you." He stated.

"If it means I can be with you more often, then I'll join." I decided. There was no point of just leaving like always, if we had to meet up in secret once again.

I did not expect it at all, but Aether quickly pulled me into a kiss after I said I'd join.

"Thank you, Y/N. I promise to always keep you safe."

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