Thoma ♡

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"Uhh... how do we make this, again?"
I nervously asked, peering at Thoma. He gazed back at me in confusion.

"You've forgotten already? Ah, what made me think it was a good idea to let you help out..." Thoma jokingly replied, handing me a wooden spoon.

"Hey! I'm trying my best!" I pouted, taking the spoon and leaning over to look at the food we were making.
A few days back, Thoma had agreed to teach me how to cook. And there we were, though I was not doing too great.

" I know, I'm kidding! I'm more than happy to have you by my side, Y/N!" He laughed and continued to make the food.
My face heated up a little because of his small remark. However, I tried to pretend it never happened and act like my heart had not just done a frontflip.

Thoma secretly noticed my embarrassment and smiled to himself.

"Alright, we're finished!" He chirped, putting some trays into an oven and grinned.
"I think you did pretty well! We should cook together way more!"

I nodded.
"We should, it was super fun!" I glanced down at the food, which was baking in the oven. It already started to smell delicious in the kitchen.

Thoma walked closer towards me.
"I really enjoy spending time with you, Y/N~" He whispered in my ear, obviously trying to be flirty.

I quickly pushed his face away, even more embarrassed than before.
"Hahaha, I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself! I just like youuu!" Thoma said again, still sounding teasy.

"Stop joking about thatttt!" I groaned, lightly punching him in the shoulder and sighing.

"Hmm? Who said I was joking?" He asked back, grabbing my attention.


"I'm not joking, Y/N!~ I really do like you... a lot." Thoma took my hands. I was too shocked to say anything, but I didn't move from his comforting grasp.

"Y-You... you're serious...?" My voice got quieter.

"Of course I am..." Thoma pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear; while focusing on my eyes.
"You're the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid my eyes on!" He beamed, leaning in to me again.

A smile grew on my face, and I held his hands more confidently.
"I like you too... love you, in fact..."
I quickly, but lovingly, pressed my lips against Thoma's. He gratefully kissed me back, while running his fingers through my hair.

"I have wanted to do that for a long, long time..." Thoma chuckled, pulling away from the kiss. Even his face was tinted light pink.
"I love you~" I repeated, sinking into Thoma's embrace.

"I love you more!" He started, wrapping his arms around my back. "Ah! Looks like the food has cooked already... doesn't time fly!"

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