Aether <3 [Yandere Reader]

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[this isnt exactly what was requested for him but i wanted to try smth new!!:)]

"Aether~ time to wake up!" I chimed, opening the basement door. He was fast asleep under the soft duvet I provided him with, though he jolted awake hearing the sound of my voice.

"I'm tired..."
His raspy morning voice made my heart flutter.

"I know, but you would be confused if you wake up and I'm not here to greet you, right?" I kneeled down beside him and gently ran my fingers through his golden locks.

Aether sighed and pulled his knees to his chest. I could tell he was not enjoying living in my basement, but I loved him too much. I did not want to let him go.

"Where are you going?"

I felt the slightest twinge of annoyance when he ignored my affection, but I stayed calm and took a deep breath.

"Only to the city. I need to buy some cooking ingredients. Unless you want to starve?"

His eyes widened and he immediately shook his head.
"No, no! Please go!"

I chuckled and stood up.
"Relax, I'm kidding~ I'll see you later, Aether."

I turned around to leave, though he pulled at my clothes, peaking my attention.

He glanced down at the floor.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Can you get me... a notebook? It's so boring down here... I know you won't let me leave, though."
I knew he was attempting to use reverse psychology on me. However, I couldn't find an issue with allowing him to write or draw.

"I'll get you a notebook. If you're good, I'll also allow you to come upstairs with me. Yes?"

He nodded and moved back against the wall.

Just before I left, I grabbed a pen, a spare notebook, and handed to Aether. The grateful look he gave me in return was adorable.


I did go out and I bought a few ingredients so that I could make his favourite, as usual. When I got back, I instantly noticed lots of crumpled paper on the floor.

"Sorry, I... I couldn't get my drawing right... I'll put them in the trash-"
Aether tried to scoot the pieces of paper away with his hand, but I stepped on them and gave him a warm smile.

"No need, I'll do it! Stay put, I'll get everything ready upstairs."

I quickly collected the paper and shut the basement door.

Of course, the temptation took over me and I slowly straightened out the paper.

He lied, it wasn't a drawing.

The entire sheet was covered in words, and I started to read.

'God, I want to leave this place... but at the same time I don't. I don't miss being outside, because all people did was make me run errands for them and stuff... but then I miss the fresh air, I miss seeing the foxes and birds around. And Y/N... she scares me but at the same time I love her. I'm scared every day that she'll hurt me but she doesn't show any interest in doing so. The only thing I want is to get out of this cold, dark basement.'

My heart skipped a beat.
It said he loved me. And that was enough for me to let him out of the basement.

The only bit I didn't get was when it said 'he's scared of me hurting him'.

How could he not tell I truly loved him? Even with all of the affection and love I gave him?

I walked around my house and made sure every window and door was securly shut, so that there was no chance of him escaping.

"Alright~ You can come up!"
I called out, and I heard him open the door and come upstairs.

"It's... nice..." Aether mumbled, walking around. I was glad to see he enjoyed being able to see outside. "But, erm... did you read...?"

I glanced at the paper, and them back to him.
"I did. You really think I'm going to hurt you?"

He shyly nodded.
"Why else would you be keeping me here? As a pet?"

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"No...? I brought you here because I love you, Aether. I couldn't stand seeing other people use you, and I didn't want you to go to another nation and leave me on my own."

He seemed taken aback by my answer.
"What...? I was...- but I thought..."

I smiled and pulled him into my arms. I felt ecstatic, having the opportunity to hold him like this.
"Do you... by any chance... love me back?"

My heart started beating faster and faster. It was the moment I'd been waiting for ever since mine and Aether's eyes met for the first time.

"I didn't mean to catch feelings for you. It just... happened... so... yes, I do..."

I could've sworn I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Good... that's... that's great. I will protect you. We can go out together, to other nations. We can find the unknown god... I will stay by your side, forever."

Aether did not say a word for a while, he didn't know how to feel.

"...Okay. We'll stay by each other."

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