Xiao x Reader ♤

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"Huh...?!" You slowly turned around in shock, making 'eye contact' with the ruin hunter in front of you.
"Okay, um, focus..!" In nervousness you clutched on to your blade and tried to recall your training. You hadn't learnt how to defend yourself from ruin hunters, but they were similar to ruin guards - so it'd be easy, right?

Turns out it wasn't easy at all. The hunter could fly and shoot cannons, whereas you were barely able to hit it with your sword. The attacks hurt like hell, and you were ready to give up.

"Ugh.. must.. keep... trying.." You were close to getting a serious injury at this point.
But however, as you tried to reach back for the sharp weapon that lay next to you, it disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the ruin hunter had disappeared and was replaced by ash, blowing away with the anemo wind.

"..what?" In confusion you slowly stood up with support of a tree, looking around for any sort of clue.

And then you saw them.
"Erm, are you okay, then?" You turned around to see a person with blueish green hair. He was clutching a polearm and had an anemo vision attached to himself, so it was clear he helped you out.

"Oh, I'm okay. Thank you very much for that, is there anything I can do to repay you?" Manners were always essential to you, so even if you didn't want to, offering for help in return wasn't optional.

"No, I don't need help." The boy sighed and looked up, as if he were in a hurry - or just wanted to leave. He didn't want any help, but you could have got gravely injured, so you had no choice to it.

"What's your name?" You asked politely, patching up any wounds or bruises that you'd gotten.
"Xiao." Xiao groaned in an annoyed tone. Xiao, huh? That's a pretty name.

"Okay, I'm Y/N. Thanks again for helping me out, I really appreciate it!" You smiled and looked into his golden eyes.
He nodded in return, and that was the end of it.

"Hmm, I need to get him something to properly say thank you. I'll go to Wangshu inn. He headed that way."

As you entered the popular inn, the sweet aroma of foods, such as golden crab, hit you. It smelt incredible.
You walked up to Verr Goldet, the receptionist, and explained your situation to her.

"Aw, that's nice of you!" She started; "Xiao comes here most of the time and sits on the roof or balcony. He normally doesn't open up to anyone or communicate with others, but I do know he likes Almond Tofu. Maybe try and make that for him?"

"That's a great idea, thanks!" You happily walked downstairs to the kitchen. Luckily it was free, so you could cook at any point.

Soon enough, you tried your best to make the Almond Tofu. You had gotten some cooking and baking knowledge throughout your travels, so it looked pretty good. But it was now the hard part - giving your attempt at making food to Xiao.

You passed Verr Goldet on the way and climbed up on to the Inn's roof, with one hand.
Xiao seemed to heard you climb up. He seemed more relaxed than before.

"You followed me?" Xiao did not make eye contact with you, he didn't even turn his head. 
"Yup. Sorry, I won't bother you for long. I felt bad not properly thanking you for today, so I made you some Almond Tofu. I hope you like it..!" You slowly pushed the box of food towards Xiao, who had averted his gaze to the box. It looked like he was kind of confused.

As you turned to leave, Xiao opened the box. He didn't smile, but seemed satisfied with what you made him, which put you at ease.
"...Thank you. I do hope to see you again." Xiao confirmed.

Maybe that wasn't the end of it, after all.

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