Dottore x Reader [part 2]

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It had been one week since Dottore had taken my vision for some sort of... testing, perhaps.

"Y/N." A voice called my name.
I turned around and made eye contact with Scaramouche, the 6th fatui harbinger.

"Yeah? What's the matter?" I held my sword tightly, though it wasn't like it would protect me from anything. Over the past few days, without my elemental powers, I had grown weaker and weaker.

"You need to get your vision back. You're getting weak. I mean, just look at you." He folded his arms. I glanced down, glaring at all of the bruises I had managed to get.

"Mm... you're right. I'll go and see if Dottore's finished with it." I put my sword away and grabbed my stuff.

"You do that. Though don't speak about him so carelessly like that. He is not your friend, or a good person." Scaramouche replied. I sighed, my mind flashing back to when we first met in his lab.


I slowly made my way into the doctor's lab, praying he was in there. My vision was not in sight; so obviously he had used it for something.

"Oh, Y/N! It's been a while." I heard a familiar voice coming from the lab.
I walked in, and looked around for the source of the voice.
Dottore appeared out of nowhere and smirked at me.

"Back for your vision, I presume? Great timing. I've only recently finished with it." He started, before noticing my injuries. "My my, how did you manage to hurt yourself like that? Would you like me to get you some medicine?"

My face flushed a little bit. In all honesty, I could not tell if he was being sarcastic or not - but the fact it sounded like he cared sent a chill down my spine.
"Oh, I'm okay. Just a bit of trouble with just my sword, I guess."

"Are you sure? It's no trouble."
I nodded.

Dottore went to grab my vision.
When he handed it back to me, I saw something on it I didn't expect a fatui harbinger would end up doing.

Around the vision itself, there were carved designs on it. It was difficult to explain, but it looked very pretty.
"Woah... it's so pretty!" I exclaimed, looking more closely at it.

Dottore had something of a smile on his face.
"What else did you do with this, if I may ask?"
He put his hands in his pockets.
"I did some experiments on it, firstly. But I also felt the need to make some adjustments to it, so the overall experience of you using it will be better, as well as your strength."

My eyes widened.
"Oh wow, really? Why would you spend one week on my vision to make me stronger?" I asked, clipping my vision back to my waist and making eye contact with the doctor stood in front of me.

"Ever since I saw you with Scaramouche and Tartaglia, something clicked. I felt somewhat attracted to you - your beauty, the way you fight, and the way you spend time with people who could potentially be dangerous. I just admire it, in a way nobody else could understand. I want you. But not in the way other people might." Dottore whispered, taking one of my hands and placing a kiss on it.

I did not expect that response, that's for sure.

"...Huh?" I started, blood rapidly rushing to my cheeks. "What do you want from me, then? I don't really understand..."

He grinned.
"Well... I want to take your first kiss," Dottore started to lean in closer. "I want to make you stronger; and... I want to be with you for the rest of my life..."

Before I even knew it, his lips were pressed up against mine. It shocked me, but for some reason... I didn't move. I didn't want to.
My hands made their way to Dottore's back, and all of a sudden I was returning his kiss just as passionately.

Scaramouche was right.
Dottore was a bad person.
But I soon came to realize that was the part I loved the most.

[woo after months its here :P this was fun to write ngl!! pls feel free to comment requests !]

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