Anemo - Comfort <3

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Whenever his lover is upset, Venti always tries his hardest to look and stay calm, but in reality he is panicking. He usually sits with you for a while, before asking you what has made you feel so down.

"Y/N? Hey, don't cry... come here."
His soft hands wipe your tears away, and his arm slowly slithers over your shoulder, radiating his warmth to you.

If you start to cry even more, he feels like he is going to cry too.
Venti normally ends up humming a song to you, or on some occasions singing.

"Hm... how about I hum your favourite song to you? Then, if you like, you can tell me what's up?"

You nod in agreement and his familiar smile returns once more.

His voice is soft and relaxing, even if it isn't being used to talk.
He allows you to lay your head on his shoulder and calm down, as his smooth humming helps you clear your thoughts.

"Now, windblume, tell me... what has gotten you feeling so down?"

Whatever it is that you tell him - whether it be simple or not - he will help you feel better and potentially even get rid of what made you sad in the first place.

"Is that so? Ah, everything will be alright in the end, Y/N. I'm here for you, you can talk to me whenever you need to, okay?"

Once no more tears fall from your eyes, Venti enjoys walking you back home, telling you all about the meaning behind his songs. If it's late in the evening, he will also offer to stay the night in case you need it.
"Well, I suppose we have to say goodnight for now, windblume. I mean, unless you'd want me to stay a little while longer?"

Xiao doesn't really understand human emotions, since he has never experienced them himself. Though even if he doesn't realize it, he feels some sort of pity when he sees you cry.

"Y/N. Why are you crying? Did somebody hurt you?"

He doesn't understand why you can't answer him without more tears falling down your cheeks, but either way he doesn't like the sight.

"Please do not cry. Tell me, what is the matter?"

Your answer doesn't fail to send him into confusion. He wants to help you, but at the same time he doesn't want to accidentally make you feel worse.

In the end, he decides to straight up ask you what you would like him to do for you.
"I am sorry. Would you like me to... leave you be?"

You shake your head and look up at him with tear-filled eyes.
"Can I stay with you for a while...?"

Xiao feels a little taken aback when he is the person who can make you feel happy again. He feels as if he is not worthy enough to do so.
"Me...? Are you sure that is what you want? I can not provide much comfort, given my title."

Your convinced nod warms his heart.
He usually just sits with you and gazes at the stars in silence. He would gladly engage in a conversation if you started it, but that is only because he is unsure whether you want to talk or not.

"Do you like seeing these stars at night?" You ask, and Xiao immediately turns his attention to you.

"Yes." He replies, letting the wind flow through his hair. "There are billions of stars and galaxies out there, so I wonder... does anything we do actually matter?"

Your intruiged look embarasses him a little bit, and he turns his head.
"I apologize if my point of view made you feel worse. That was not my intention-"

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