Geo - cuddles <3

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- Arataki Itto
- Albedo
- Gorou
- Zhongli

At first he would be quite nervous to get close with his partner because he hasn't really done so with anybody else, but with your guidance he would cuddle with you whenever possible.

He is normally a top/big spoon and he likes to wrap both of his arms around you because it gives him that reassurance of your safety.

On the occasion where he is the little spoon, he enjoys leaning his head on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your stomach.

"Ah... Y/N? What are you doing?"
The Oni's face flushed pink as his lover snuggled into his chest. You could hear his heart pounding, he was  nervous but so excited at the same time.

He feels so loved even though he is the one holding you in his embrace.
Itto wants to be the only one who gets to experience it, and he isn't afraid to tell you.

"This is... comfy..." He mumbled, slowly wrapping his arms around his drowsy partner. "Hey, uh, I'm the only one who gets to sleep like this with you, right?"

Your nod puts his mind at ease.

"That's good! It's nice, I want to be the only one who feels as comfortable as this... even if that makes me selfish."

In the morning he showers you in kisses and compliments, telling you that he slept really well and you should be proud of yourself.

"Good morning... how did you sleep?"
Itto asked in his raspy morning voice, sending chills down your spine.

"Well, and you?"
Sunlight poured through the windows and into the room, sending you both a nice source of light and warmth.

He smiled and nuzzled his face into your hair, taking in your scent.
"I slept like a baby, thanks to you. I like this a lot... we can do it more, right?"


Since Albedo works really hard every day, he is exhausted by the evening, and therefore usually falls asleep before you can ask him to cuddle.

However, there is always the occasion where he stays up just a little bit later so that he could hear the one question from you that is like music to his ears.

"Hey, Albedo, can we... cuddle?"

He enjoys to tease you just a little bit when he hears it, but never turns down the opportunity.
"Oh? That is quite cute of you to ask... hah, I am just teasing. Of course, I would be delighted to."

Albedo is not experienced with cuddling, so he tends to just wrap his arm around your waist.

He learns from other people - one time he saw a couple in the city of Mondstadt intertwine their fingers and share a kiss, so he does the same to you, and is glad to know you enjoy it.

"Y/N, may I... try something?" His voice sounds so soft and sincere, so you could not help but to agree.

You could feel his cold hands come into contact with yours; he gently rubs your hand with his thumb.
Slowly, but lovingly, he leans in and presses his lips against your own.

Once pulling away, he immediately gazed into your eyes.
"Was that... pleasant?"

Your quick nod was enough to make him grin ever so slightly.

"I'm glad. Now let's get some rest, tomorrow is yet another day."


Gorou is a big fan of cuddling, but just hates to actually admit it. Sometimes he comes home early and pretends to be exhausted, just so he can spend that time with you under the soft duvet.

"Y/N... I know it's early, but can we go to bed? I'm getting tired..." His cute little yawn convinces you every time.

He is basically always the little spoon - Gorou likes being held while he sleeps, it provides him with a lot of comfort. If he's in the mood for it, he will also let you pet his ears to help you both drift off easier.

"My ears...?" Gorou questions you, as you asked about them. He was already laying sleepily under your protection.

"Yeah, can I pet them? Pleaseee?"
Your pleading caused him to let out a breathy laugh. He glanced up at you, lifting a brow.

"All right, just this once. Get some sleep, though. You need it."
He smiled and nuzzled his head into your chest.

A few minutes into petting his ears, Gorou falls asleep. In the morning when you confront him about it, he goes bright red and denies everything.

"W-Wait! I was pretending to be asleep, I wasn't that comfy!"
He insists, his cheeks reddening.

"Oh, so you were uncomfortable the entire time? That makes me sad..."

"No! Nonono! I was really- wait... stop teasing me, Y/N!"


Zhongli is okay with doing anything, as long as you are safe and comfortable. If you ask him to cuddle, he will agree without a second thought.

However, before the two of you go to sleep, he likes to make you your favourite drink to end the day nicely. Whether it be juice, tea, coffee, or even water, he will willingly make it for you.

"Y/N, darling, what would you like to drink?" Zhongli asks, his deep and attractive voice waking you up slightly.

"I'll have whatever you're having."

Your reply did not fail to make him smile. The thought that his lover had the same likes and dislikes as him made him feel loved himself.

"How about a herbal tea to help soothe our muscles? It will help us relax and get to sleep faster, how does that sound?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice. Is there any way I can help you?"

Zhongli always appreciates your assistance, but he also wants you to relax too.
"Go upstairs and get comfortable in bed, the tea will be done any minute and I will be up there with you in an instant."

He always alters everything he makes to your liking. Like your drinks sweeter, for example? He does it for you. It doesn't matter how much longer it would take, Zhongli never wastes his time.

Once in bed, he loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder.
If you don't fall asleep as quickly as you want to, he tells you a story about something in his past and eventually, it helps you fall into a slumber.

"You can not sleep? No worries. Make sure you are comfortable. How about I tell you about the history of your favourite flowers, until you drift off?"

When cuddling, Zhongli is mostly the big spoon. Knowing he has you in his arms makes him feel both protective and relaxed. He falls asleep with one of his arms around your waist, or sometimes both.

When he notices your eyelids fluttering shut, he always presses a kiss against your forehead.

"Sleep well, my dear."

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