Aether x Reader

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Me, Bennett, Aether and Paimon sat by a fire in Dragonspine. We had planned on staying overnight, however Paimon seemed to be shivering so much her nose was about to fall off.

"S-S-So... cold..." She stuttered, wrapped in a blanket much bigger than her.

"Paimon, sit with Aether and Bennett, I'll go make everyone some food." I got up, grabbed my bag and headed to a hot water filled pot.

I chopped up some vegetables and put them into the water, waiting for them to boil. While I was sat by the pot, Aether had walked over to me.

"Y/N? What are you making? Aether tapped me on the shoulder, causing me to jump slightly.

"Oh, uh, just some soup for you guys, it's pretty cold..." I pulled the edge of my sleeves over my wrists and shivered slightly.

"Really? Wow... do you need me to get any ingredients?" He asked politely. Aether had always been running errands for everyone, so I felt bad.

"No need, thanks anyway!" I replied, stirring the boiling soup. It smelt nice.

"Paimon is with us if you change your mind!" He jokingly added while heading back to Bennett. I chuckled and grabbed 3 bowls - 2 for Aether and Bennett, and a smaller one for Paimon.

"Here you go..." I passed a bowl of soup to each of them and sat down. Paimon looked pleasantly surprised, and dug in immediately.

"Woah, thanks Y/N!" Bennett happily started to drink his soup.

"Yeah! You're a really good cook!" Paimon tried to speak, though her mouth was full and her chin was covered in food.

"Thank you, but didn't you make one for yourself?" Aether questioned, while sipping quietly.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just making sure none of you will catch a nasty cold." I smiled and partially wrapped myself in Paimon's huge blanket.

"I'm not taking that for an answer, and I'm definitely not letting you get a cold." Aether scooped up a spoon full of soup and, when I was caught off guard, put it in my mouth. I gratefully drank it but hid my face in embarrassment afterwards.

He started laughing at me and they all finished their food.

"Phew! Paimon's stuffed. Thanks, Y/N!" Paimon flew over to me and lay down in my arms, slowly falling asleep. It was night time, so we let her rest.

Bennett grabbed his sleeping bag and got in it, and lay under the fire for warmth. He took off his head goggles and the tools wrapped around his waist, and soon fell asleep.

Now it was just me and Aether awake, though I was nodding off.
Aether noticed Paimon snoring happily and chuckled.
"She's like a little baby..." He whispered, trying not to wake the others.

"I wouldn't mind having Paimon as a daughter. She's sweet, and doesn't waste food!" I smiled and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm with you on that one! She could be like our child!" It took us both a second to realise what he had said.
"Ah.. um... sorry.." He nervously looked away.

"We could look after Paimon together." I looked down at her, sound asleep. Aether nodded and lay his head on my shoulder.

"C'mon, let's go to sleep." Aether pulled the blanket over us. He kept his head where it was and shut his eyes - Paimon was still sleeping in my arms.

"Goodnight, Aether."


"...I love you."

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