Razor x Reader ☆

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For a while, Razor had been acting different - angrier when people he didn't particularly like were around me, even more protective; to the point where he'd have to be held back.

Razor acknowledged he was going a little too far, but he couldn't stop feeling a certain way around myself specifically, as if I were the first person he had to protect. Even so, he couldn't comprehend what that feeling was. It was a cliffhanger, where he was just dragged along.

"Er... can I help you?" I turned around to see three men in hats, scruffy clothing, and bandanas covering their mouthes.
After they realised I'd spotted them, their gaze turned to each other.

"Ma'am! U-Uh, we saw you from afar, and it seemed you were looking for something. Can we be of assistance?" Their excuses were clearly quite off and suspicious.

"No, nothing in particular. Why did you three follow me?" I glanced around in confusion. One of them were talking to me - however, the other two were looking BEHIND me.

And that's when I realised - treasure hoarders.
"Oh, you're trying to rob me. That's it. Well, not today I'm afraid." I nervously but quickly snatched my sword and pointed it at the three, astonished, hoarders in front of me.

"Get her!" Voices floated around me - behind, in front, and beside where I was facing.
All of a sudden, a tight pressure launched on to my back, and then around my neck.

"AHAHAHA! Now, let's see..." The leader of the treasure hoarders were excitedly going through my backpack.
Please, find nothing useful. Please.
In conclusion, I actually didn't have anything valuable in there - just ingredients for food and weaponry.

"Hm. Nothing here of importance..." He started, hitting me with relief. "But, I do think she'll be of good use. Let's go." That last statement worried me. I'd heard about treasure hoarders taking people for testing, but it was hard to believe.

"Ah! Get off me..!" As the grip around my neck got tighter, breathing got more difficult. I could of sworn I kicked, scratched, hit... everything I could, just to break free. It was no use...

- But little did I know, someone I knew was watching from not too far away.

- Razor's POV -
Anger built up inside of me. I wanted to rip those treasure hoader's throats out - literally. They had the nerve to try and take away Y/N. I wasn't having it, so I just decided to go for the best option. Go straight and attack those bastards.

"...ARGH!" I jumped with all my might and landed on the man who had Y/N's head tucked around his inner elbow. She must have been so scared and confused, that was the thought that kept me going.

Y/N fell to the ground and blacked out, possibly from all of the pressure she'd been physically put under. I got one glance at her beautiful face and continued to attack them, till they turned into ash and blew with the wind.

When they were gone, my attention turned to her. She seemed to be okay, so now it was up to me - leave her here and potentially kill any threats, or bring her back to Wolvendom.


It took me a second, but I decided to bring her back.

My eyes fluttered open slowly - a ray of sunshine and shadow covered my sight.
"Y/N? You... awake?" I heard an unsure voice next to me. Silently, I moved my head and saw the silver-haired boy sitting beside me with a worried look on his face.

After a moment or two I finally recognized the face.
"..Razor?" Was all I managed to get out - but it seemed satisfactory for him, since he let out a sigh of relief that I was okay.
"Treasure Hoarders... bad. They tried to take lupical so I stopped them." Razor looked up into the sky and smiled, knowing I was definitely safe with him.

"..Why did you help me?" I rubbed my eyes and slowly sat up from laying on the grass. Razor's face went a little pink before looking into my eyes.
"Razor... loves Y/N. I cannot lose you to anyone else." It was difficult and tiring for him to speak, however... I understood.

I quickly placed a hand on Razor's cheek. At first, he was a little confused, but a few seconds later he nuzzled his face into my hand and smiled, like he'd wanted me to do that for a very long time.

After I'd done that, Razor understood this strange feeling from before - and he also thought he knew how I felt about him, and he pulled me under his arm; then closer to his chest. He then proceeded to lean his head against mine and wrap an arm around my side.

My face went red - but I did really like Razor. He may seem different to others at first, but he just has a big heart and doesn't show it to anyone else for a while.

Even if he didn't understand it, I gave him a small kiss on the cheek for helping me out. Who knows what would've happened if he didn't.

"Razor... will keep Y/N safe." Razor rubbed his head on mine and grinned, knowing he finally found out what he felt.

It was love.

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