Diluc x Reader 3 ♡

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[im a simp for him too hah]

"I appreciate you staying an extra hour, Y/N. We'll go home soon, okay?" Diluc smiled very briefly and pushed a tray with 4 drinks towards me.

"Heh, no worries! I'd rather work here for longer with you than be alone." I chuckled and took the tray, heading towards the table of drunk men that ordered them.

"Took ya long enough!" One of the men stumbled over as I placed the tray on their table, collecting the empty cups at the same time. I ignored the person who was miserable about the long wait (which was actually only 2 minutes).

Just as I was about to leave, I felt a grip around my arm causing me to drop the cups on the floor. Luckily, due to the other noise, it didn't attract much attention.
"You're a pretty thing... how about you stay here and sit with us, eh?" Another man smirked, tightening his grip on my wrist.

"No, thank you. I'm working." I awkwardly tried to pull my arm away, but the man's hand was like steel.

"Tavern closes in like 10 minutes... I'm a patient man, y'know~"

"I said no. Please let go of my wrist, you're hurting me."

Now getting aggressive, the same man growled with anger and kicked my back. I fell on to my knees, but quickly got up and stacked the cups on to the now empty tray.

"Women these days... never grateful for what they can get..." Ignoring the false remark, I headed back to the tavern's downstairs and placed the tray on the counter before taking a seat. Diluc started cleaning so he could close up afterwards.

"What's happened?" Diluc asked.


"Your wrist. It's gone all red."

I glanced down and realised that the man had lightly bruised me from the metal grip he had.

"Oh, it's just a bruise. I'll be fine."


Later on in the evening, Diluc kicked out all the other people and locked the tavern. I was waiting next to him in order for us to go home.

"Luc... we're friends, right? How 'bout you leave this girl here and we can all drink together, heh?" A drunk man smirked and stumbled his way towards Diluc.

The redhead flawlessly ignored him,  took my hand and then we walked home.

"It astonishes me how much alcohol people can drink... are you okay?" Diluc gazed at me as we entered our shared home. I yawned quietly.

"Hmm? Me? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Now... what really happened to your wrist? The mark wasn't there before you took the tray, dear." As we were home, Diluc started to show affection. He kicked off his shoes and took out the band in his hair.

"Oh, when I was giving those men their drinks, one of them grabbed my wrist and wanted me to stay. It's not a big deal." My eyes were fluttering shut, so I started to head to our bedroom. Diluc followed me with his fists clenched.

"Damn it. I'll make sure they never drink near my tavern EVER again." I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't worry about it. They were  drunk, I don't think it's completely their fault."

Diluc stepped forward and kissed me on the lips while holding the sides of my neck lightly with his fingers.
"But you're mine... nobody messes with my property. Even if they're unable to recognize it themselves."

I smirked and got into bed, laughing quietly to myself.

"Heh, you're adorable when you're mad."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmhm..." I nodded, dozing off. Diluc got into bed next to me and held me close to his chest.

"Sure... not as cute as you when you get flustered."

"Not fair."

"You're just proving my point, love."

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