Childe x Zhongli x Reader ♡

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"Hmm... hm!" Childe hummed happily while we walked through Liyue Harbor.
The lanterns and decorations lit up the entire city; it looked even prettier as night time grew.

"Hey, would you two like to go to a nearby restuarant? My treat!" Childe offered, turning around to face me and Zhongli.

"You're too kind, Childe. I would love to." Zhongli used his hand to hide his grin, whereas Childe was not ashamed of showing affection in public.

"Mm, sounds great!" I nodded and proceeded to follow them to a small restaurant I had not been to before. We took a seat and waited to be served.

"Welcome! How may I help you three?" A waiter walked up to us, though something was off. He would not stop staring at me.
Zhongli, being his polite self, did not take any notice to it. Childe, on the other hand, noticed.

He grabbed my hand underneath the table, realizing that the waiter was making me quite nervous. Childe's touch immediately put my mind at ease, and I shot a grateful glance at him.

"Hm... could I have a bamboo shoot soup, please?" Zhongli placed his order.

"A prize catch for me, thank you." Childe glared at the waiter.

"Ahh, erm..." I'd been thinking about something else for so long, I completely forgot about what I wanted to eat.

"No worries dear, take your time~" The waiter gave me a completely NOT-reassuring smirk.
Zhongli and Childe exchanged looks for a second.

"Erm... just some cold noodles, I suppose. Thank you." My voice cracked several times, but luckily nobody noticed.

He nodded and walked away to give our orders to the chef.

"Y/N, you alright?" Childe gazed at me, still grasping on to my hand.

"Oh, yeah, why?" I tried to make it seem I hadn't noticed, so it wouldn't make them worry - Zhongli especially.

"That waiter... he was looking at you strangely." Zhongli lowered his voice.

"Mhm, he was..." I moved my gaze down at the floor anxiously.

"Don't worry about it! We won't let him be weird." Childe smiled, trying to lighten the mood, and let go of my hand, realizing our food had arrived.

"One for you..."

"One for you..."

"And one for the cutie here~" He put down my plate of food and took a second to look at me, before turning around.

"I'm going to kill him..." Childe held his fork so tight it almost moved out of place.
Zhongli put his hand on Childe's, signalling him to calm down a bit.

"Ah, sorry..." He apologized quickly, but still kept his pissed glare on the waiter.

"Let's enjoy our meals, we can go home afterwards." Zhongli chuckled and we started to dig in.

"That was delicious!" Childe exclaimed as we all finished our food.

"It was. How about we head home, now? I see it is getting quite late now." Zhongli stood up, followed by Childe. He placed mora on the table and took hold of my hand.

"Ah, you guys start walking! I think I left something." Childe let go of my hand and jogged somewhere we couldn't see. Zhongli held my hand in return and we were slowly walking back home.

Childe did not forget anything.

"You. Over here." He grabbed the waiter and walked into an alleyway, pushing him against the brick wall.

"What's your problem?!" The waiter yelled, glaring at Childe angrily.

"You. You are my problem. You think you can flirt with someone in a relationship and get away with it? You have some nerve messing with me of all people, especially if it's with someone I love." Childe grabbed him by his collar, preventing any upper movement.

"You really think you're bold, huh?! Who cares? She's pretty and I like that, what're you gonna do about it?"

Childe shoved his knee right into his stomach, followed by a punch in the face. He fell to the ground and groaned.

"If you're smart, you'll never go near me, my boyfriend or my girlfriend again."


Around ten minutes after me and Zhongli got home, Childe did too.

I was laying on Zhongli's chest, fast asleep. The two of us were wrapped in a giant, fluffy blanket.

Even Zhongli was dozing off, his eyes were closed and his long hair was scattered.

"Look at you two, happily snuggled~" Childe teased, before getting under the blanket between me and Zhongli.

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