Diluc <3 [Modern AU]

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(yes another diluc chapter)
TW: SA (obviously diluc doesnt do this you buffoons)

It was early in the morning - probably about midnight. It was the one of the few days a year that Angel's Share was open until 1:30am, and unfortunately Diluc was the one in charge of it.

Since I didn't want to be on my own, I decided to tag along.

Of course, it was the middle of the night, so not as many people were present... but still enough for it to be loud.

I was sat at the main bar with Kaeya and Venti, who were talking and drinking. Diluc was leaning against the wall, waiting for anyone to order a drink.

I rested my head on the table, basically almost falling asleep - I wasn't really used to staying up this late outside of our home.

People got more and more drunk as the night progressed. I did fall asleep, but not for long seeming as it was very loud. At 1am, I noticed someone sat next to me.

I assumed it was Kaeya trying to annoy his brother, but I was wrong.

I didn't lift my head up.

The person who sat next to me kept dragging and rubbing their fingers across my upper and lower back, which was creepy. They even went so far as to twirl my hair in their fingertips.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and hid it where they couldn't see it.

-who is sat next to me?

-i don't recognize him?
he looks like he is in his 40s
or 50s, why?

-he keeps touching my back
and my hair, he thinks im asleep

-what the hell
-hold on love

I heard Diluc's footsteps coming towards me. The guy's hand immediately moved away and he sipped his drink.

"Everything okay?" Diluc asked him. He was trying not to create a scene at 1am, which I did understand.

"Yes, thanks."
His voice almost made me throw up - he sounded so old and he was touching me weirdly?

Diluc nodded and stepped back.

-tell me if he does it again

I read the text and gulped. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding...?
I felt a sharp object touch my upper thigh.
I saw it and realized he was holding a knife to me in case I woke up.

He harshly but slowly slid his hand up my shirt, letting his fingers explore my skin.
I was too scared to move. If he discovered I was awake, he would probably do something bad.

I typed slowly as not to catch his attention, but doing that he was able to continue what he was doing.
His fingers reached where my chest would be, but fortunately it was on my back instead.

I felt his hand slide under the strap of my bra, intending to undo it. By then I had sent my message to Diluc, hands shaking.

-he just put his hands up my shirt
im not joking seriously hes
trying to undo the stuff under my clothes

Diluc was serving drinks to people, so he wasn't on his phone.
This creepy guy had already unstrapped my bra and was getting dangerously close to doing more.

-diluc im begging you please
do something please
-i cant move he is going to hurt
me if i do

His fingers travelled to my stomach, and started to get lower.
And lower.

I could briefly see some shoes under the table. I didn't recognize who's they were, but I kicked them.

They were Diluc's.

He passed someone their drink and turned to me, instantly seeing his hand's position.

"Get out of my tavern."
He spat at the guy, who was smirking.
Until he saw Diluc's face.

"What? Why?!"
He stood up, leaving me with nothing but relief.

"You know why. Get out before I throw you out."

The creep left the tavern and Diluc followed after him.
I finally lifted my head and peered down at my thigh - he drew blood on me.

I pressed my back against the wall and wiped my eyes with my sleeve.

Kaeya and Venti saw me and gave me a confused look.

Before I could respond, Diluc came back in, blood smeared on his cheek.
"We're closed." He announced, and people started to leave.


Once everyone was gone, he locked the tavern.
I got off of my seat and wrapped my arms around him, letting the tears come flooding out.

Diluc ran his fingers through my hair.
"I'm so sorry. It's okay, you're safe now."

He seemed to notice the blood on my thigh, because he pulled me in closer and sounded angry.
"People are disgusting. I... I gave him what he deserves. Hopefully he bleeds out and dies."

I couldn't do anything but cry.
So much had happened in the past ten minutes and I wasn't allowed to make a sound before.

"Hey, look at me, angel."

I looked up at him, even though tears were still falling down my cheeks.

"I will never let anything bad happen to you again, hear me? I will get rid of anything that hurts you."

I nodded, and Diluc wiped away my tears with his thumb.

He pulled me in to a loving kiss, and at the same time he clipped my bra back together to make it easier for me.

"I love you so much, okay? Remember that. You are safe with me."

"I love you too..." I mumbled into his shirt.

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