Chapter 9 - A Tune Of Memories

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"Gone?" I echoed. Natsu nodded, his fists clenched. "His house is empty. Nothing's there, it was as if he had never lived there."

I shook my head, sighing.

"I think I may know where he could've gone." Levy piped up, removing her glasses and setting them on the table.

"Where?" Natsu and I said simultaneously.

"Well, you said he was trying to protect you, right, Lu-Chan? And he felt bad about not being able to?"

I nodded briskly.

"He is probably very disappointed in himself and I'm not surprised. Samuel tried to do something, but failed. So he's probably going back to somewhere where you two hung out a lot, or where he felt at peace." She thought about it then added, "kind of like closure, I guess. He basically believes your relationship is over with him, that you'll never see him the same."

I stared at Levy for a moment, mouth agape, and she shrugged.

"Alright, I read some books, so what." The blue headed Mage said, sounding flustered.

I elbowed Natsu. "'Some books,' she says. I wouldn't be surprised if she has read the entire library."

Natsu elbowed me back. "50 jewels that she actually has."

"Guys!" Levy whined, interrupting us. "My book life is my business!"

"Levy's right, let's get back on track."

"So, Lucy, any ideas where he might be?"

I paused. Somewhere where he found peace...I knew just the place.


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Natsu chanted.

"Soon, Natsu."

"How soon?" He asked.

"Maybe 5 minutes." I replied in annoyance.

"That's what you said 5 minutes ag--"

He was interrupted as the carriage pulled to an abrupt halt.

I drew a deep breath before I stepped out. I was here. Actually here. My old house. The place looked deserted, and it was honestly sad. I couldn't help but feel a sharp pang in my chest.

Natsu settled a hand on my shoulder. "Shall we?"

I looked up at him. "Natsu...I think it's best if you watch from a distance, to monitor us. It'd be best if he didn't know you were here."

He smiled, understanding. "As you wish."


I got in through a back door behind the house, careful to keep quiet.

Dust piled up everywhere, our chandelier swung making a lonely creaking noise.

I walked down the halls, taking a peek into each room.

It was odd. I was in my old house, the one I grew up in, and yet I felt like a total stranger. Maybe Levy can give me a psychological reason for that, too.

It was all quiet, I could only feel my high heels clacking against the floor and the steady rise and fall of my breath.

And...a piano?

The tune was soft and beautiful, I recognized it right away.


I snuggled into bed, my small body only making up less then a quarter of my large, comfy sheets.

"Mother, may you come tuck me in?"

And almost as soon as I'd said that, she was there by my bedside.

"Shall I play a lullaby?" She asked, brushing a wisp of light blonde hair out of my eyes. I grinned, and that was all the answer she needed.

She hurried over to the piano at the far side of my room, sat down and began to play.

Her fingers seemed to dance to the rhythm, the beauty in it all was indeed an art.

Then, in a soft, strong voice she began to sing.

"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of
Dreams really do come true

Someday, I wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top
That's where you'll find me..."


"Somewhere Over The Rainbow," I realized, then gasped and hurried to my room, where my piano should've sat, untouched.

But it was not untouched.

And Samuel was there, but with someone else.


She looked up to me and grinned. "Oh, hello, Lucy. We've been expecting you."

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