Chapter 21

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"Dead?" I echoed. "Dead?"

Happy began to sob, his blue coat now wet with his own tears. "When...when they found her, it was too late, Natsu."

I ignored the tears that began to run down my cheeks. "Who did this to her?" I surprised myself with my sudden anger.

"I will destroy them."


(Lucy's P.O.V.)



A girl with jet black hair approaches me, the same girl that wanted me to play with the dragon, interrupting play time with my dolls.

"Yes?" I replied, annoyed.

"Ah, so it is you. You're Lucy Heartfilia, correct?"

The girl only looked maybe 2 or 3 years older then I was, yet she spoke properly, as if she was more mature then she looked.

"Yes, I'm Lucy. Why?" I asked, suddenly dropping my dolls.

"We have plans for you, dear."


The room I was in was dark, like something out of a horror movie.

I opened my eyes steadily adjusting to the dim light, only to see a hooded figure in front of me.

Not just any hooded figure.

But the hooded figure.

The one that took me away from Natsu, that harmed him. Yet somehow this was all my fault.

"Who are you?" I surprised myself with my sudden burst of confidence, and a tinge of anger.

The person under the hood chuckled then removed it entirely to reveal long, sleek black hair and eyes that burned a deep crimson.

"Lucy Heartfilia," she said, speaking my name in almost a mocking tone, "you already know who I am."

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No, I believe I don't. Now let me go." I hissed, and the woman arched a brow, surprised and maybe impressed at my sudden outburst.

"The man you were with--Natsu--is fine. But you aren't."

"What...what do you mean?"

"They think you're dead."


The woman began to smile, and not a nice one. "I used a dead body to pose as you, and the fools fell for it."

"Who's? Who's dead body?"

The woman shrugged. "Just some civilian that also happened to have blonde hair, brown eyes and Ds."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snarled. "Is this some sort of game to you?"

She snorted. "In a way, yes, it actually is."

The woman looked at me, still smirking. "I was the one who messed with your memories. You could hardly remember anything after little mommy's 'death' but suddenly it's coming back, right?"

She didn't wait for me to answer, only continued.

"It's because the spell is beginning to wear off."

I glared at her. "Then redo the spell and let me go! Leave my friends and I out of it!"

"Oh, so you mean you don't care about your childhood, your only -good- memories with mommy dearest?" She snickered.

"No. I don't." I stated bluntly, although my voice wavered.

"But I think you do. Trust me, I would know."

"And how would you know that, exactly? How would you know what I think? Because I am nothing like you." I snapped, and she recoiled a bit, but soon recovered.

"You want to know how I know, oh innocent Lucy?"

Once again she didn't want for me to respond, just continued.

"I know because I'm you from the future."


(Natsu's P.O.V.)

I ran into the guild, only to see everyone dressed in black and people crying.

"Lucy's not dead!" I shouted, Happy tagging along behind me.

Erza stormed towards me, her left eye red and puffy from crying. "Natsu, what is the meaning of this? We don't want to believe either, okay? You have no idea how hard this is on me--"

"She is NOT dead!!!" I shouted yet again, this time earning attention from everyone, even Samuel and Lunar who were in the back of the guild, Samuel comforting Lunar who was sobbing.

Levy walked up to me, sniffling. "Natsu, what makes you say such things? You know that they have already found Lu-Chan's..." Her voice was silenced as she burst into tears again.

"She's still alive! That body wasn't her!"

Master suddenly appeared, and he didn't look as if he had been crying, but he looked drained. "What makes you say this?"

"Her Fairy Tail mark! It's too dark of a pink! Someone went through all this trouble to make it look as if she was dead, and I want to find out why."

Erza tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Although that's only one hint we have saying that it's not her. Whoever has been planning this did a really good job, and took a lot of time and detail into forming this."

The entire guild was watching us talk now, everyone engrossed in our conversation, each and every one of them hoping and praying to Mavis that she was still alive.

She needs to be.

After all, I still have some things that I need to tell her.

Questions of the chapter:

What will Natsu tell her?

What happened to Lucy? Why did the hooded figure go through all that trouble to make it look like she was dead?

Is the hooded figure really Lucy from the future? If so, what happened that made her turn so cold and start worshipping Zeref?

Are there any secrets hidden in Lucy's memory? Will she even retrieve her memories?

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