Chapter 16

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"Godly Flame!"

I jumped up, narrowly missing a scorching pillar of flames that shot right below my heels, turning the ground below me to ashes.

"Open, gate of the Lion! Leo!"

And in a flash of light Loke appeared, smirking. "Shall I take her out?" He asked, pushing up his glasses a bit.

I nodded, and suddenly a beam of light flew from his ring, hitting Lunar in the stomach, making her crash face first into the ground.

It must've hurt, although she just dusted off some dirt and stood back up.

"Flaming fist!" Lunar cried and hit me, making me hurl back and slam into a tree.

I let out a cry of pain.

Then I suddenly got an idea. Maybe the tree knocked it in.

"Open, gate of the Twins! Gemini!"

"Piri!~ Piri!~" the two cooed. "Transform!" I demanded, and suddenly there was another blonde Mage on the field, looking exactly like me except she was in a bath towel.

"Now Virgo! Open, gate of the mai--"

Loke patted my shoulder. "Don't use up too much magic energy, Lucy. Trust me on this one, Gemini and I can beat her on our own, okay?"

I nodded. 'He's probably right.' I thought to myself, watching as he and Gemini began attacking Lunar, carefully dodging each of her hot attacks.

"Hell's Flame!"

I looked up suddenly, to see Lunar right above me, engulfed in flames.

And that's when she punched me.


I awoke in the infirmary, my head killing me.

"LUUCCYYY!" Lunar yelled, bursting into the room, her eyes red as if she has been crying.

"I'm so sorry! I was too hard on you! I took things too seriously an--"

"No, it's fine. I'm just not as strong as you." I smiled, although it was forced.

I'm not as strong as Lunar. Because I'm not stronger than anyone.

For now.


The girl had sleek black hair, although her eyes were a soft and once compassionate brown, they were now hard and cold.

She walked up to me, a toy dragon in hand.

"Hey, Lucy, want to play?" Her voice was dry and nearly sickening.

I scrunched up my nose, as if I had smelled something terrible. "Why play with a toy dragon? Unicorns are much better. Plus, unicorns are real. Dragon's aren't."

I cradled my unicorn that had a blossom pink horn and baby blue fur.

"What do you have against dragons?" The girl hissed, sounding offended.

"Dragons are weak. Dragons are dumb. Dragons aren't real."


I was walking along the sidewalk, frowning.

I still had a few bandages, but for the most part, I was fine.

'Dragons aren't real,' I had said. These memories, or daydreams, were so vivid, they almost seemed real.


Except I didn't remember any of it, almost as if my memories of childhood had been wiped clean.

Had it?

If so, then by who?


"Father, she's starting to remember."

"I know, darling."

"Is he watching her right now?"

"Yes. And soon, we'll be meeting her."

One of the cloaked figures took off her cloak, revealing long, sleek black hair and dark brown eyes.

"All for Zeref."

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