9 - Casino

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"Here's what's going to happen when we enter," I walk down the stairs with Valentina striding along beside me, "I'll be making small talk with random people in the club, get some drinks, buy chips for gambling, then we'll start at 11:55

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"Here's what's going to happen when we enter," I walk down the stairs with Valentina striding along beside me, "I'll be making small talk with random people in the club, get some drinks, buy chips for gambling, then we'll start at 11:55."

"Move, I need to get my lighter." She completely ignores me and walks past me to find a lighter. I raise my eyebrows as I watch her rummage through a drawer.

"Here it is, for the fake fire. Ready?" She stood tall and gripped the lighter in her fist. "Yeah, let's go." I turn around and bump into Romano.

Dear god.

"Where are you going looking like that? And where's Valentina?" He looks down at what I'm wearing, not knowing Valentina is behind me.

"I have a mission thing. It's not as important so I don't need backup or any shit like that. And she's right here." I walk over to the side and watch as his eyes immediately widen.

"Oh. OH. Oh.." he tilts his head to glare at Valentina's outfit. "You look like a goddess. You're so pretty and beautiful and like a bride. And uh, marry me?" Romano blurts out while eyeing her down.

"Wait, wait no. No no no pretend I didn't say that. What I m-meant to say..was uhm..." he swallows a lump in his throat and stutters terribly.

"Oh Rome, you're way too precious. I can call you Rome, right?" Valentina walking over to him and used one hand to place underneath his jaw.

"W-wha- no. I mean yes! Yes you can! Yes absolutely. Sorry, of course. Haha, fuck. Uhm, good luck? Yeah. Good luck. Come home safe. I'll miss you. FUCK." Romano tries to weasel away from his whole embarrassing conversation.

"Rome, relax around me." She uses her thumb to brush his cheek softly. "I'm not worth all that nervousness." She chuckles.

"You smell good." He melts into her hand and stared intensely into her eyes.

I watched with complete confusion. My little brother is closer to her than I am. I should probably up my game then, huh?

"Thank you, I can say the same about you." She smiles and drops her hand. "Let's go Alessandro, I'll see you later, Rome. I'll miss you." She pats his shoulder and walks off, expecting me to follow.

"Dude ease up a bit." I slap Romano on the back and follow her. He turns around and tilts his head slightly. "S-she said I smelt good."

I scoff and walk behind Valentina.

After catching up to her, she waits in front of the entrance and looks up at me. "I like your brother. He's cute." She smiles.

"He's 19." I furrow my eyebrows, feeling a wave of protectiveness come over me. But I don't know if it was for Valentina, or Romano. No no, it was most definitely Romano.

"Oh my god. Not like that. He's like the adorable type of cute. Never would I be in a relationship with him, I'm 21." She scoffs and waits for my to guide her to the car.

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