26 - Dance

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"What?" My eyes widen as he slowly brings the wine glass up to his lips

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"What?" My eyes widen as he slowly brings the wine glass up to his lips. I watch as he tips the glass and allows the red liquid to pour down his throat. His Adam's apple bobs once the liquid is down his throat and he swallows.

"You heard me."

My head drops down at my lap and I take a few seconds to calm down. If I wasn't attracted to Alessandro before, I sure as hell am now. My body is responding to him like he's the only thing I need to survive. Backstabbing bitch.

The menu slides across the table with Alessandro's fingers guiding it. Landing in front of me, Alessandro gives me a polite nod to allow me to open it.

"Get whatever you want, no hesitation." He props himself up on two elbows and lays his chin on his clenched knuckles.

"Oh I will."

"I don't doubt it."

My eyes scan the inside of the menu, carefully choosing what looks good, and what doesn't. It's a whole process. What I'm feeling, how I'll be feeling after, and how expensive. But, Alessandro is paying so I don't give a shit about how much it costs, that's not a problem.

I watch as Alessandro sips on his red wine, reading the menu with his dark brown eyes. God, it's so intimidating to look at. He's so intimidating to look at.

He looks so powerful sitting in front of me. It's almost, sexy? Arousal stirs in my stomach as I look at him more carefully. His hair is perfectly curled and tamed. His fingers are covered in rings, turning me on more than it should.

It's okay to stare. As long as he doesn't find out, and we're not doing anything else but looking, it'll be fine.

Finding out my order, I tell Alessandro and he calls over a waiter. We both order something to eat, and go back to the awkward silence between us.

Suddenly, people start to stand up. My head turns as I watch couples begin dancing to the slow music. My eyebrows dip in confusion.

"It's normal to dance in here. If you go downstairs, you'll see a small bar where people drink and dance. Up here, it's calmer and more polite. Downstairs, it's all loud club music." Alessandro informs once he notices my confusion.

Good going, Valentina. Act like a fucking idiot in front of the one person you should be intimidating to.

"Oh. That's...nice."

"Dance with me?"

My eyes snap up, and I narrow them. "Why? What do you want from me, Alessandro?" my suspicion is slowly taking over me. He's being too polite and friendly, I don't like it.

"I want you to dance with me. Just until our food comes out." He stands up, extending his hand out for mine. My eyes land on his extended arm and back to him. His lips are curled into a stupid smile.

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