Prolouge - Are You There?

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A/n : Welcome to a new book. Always wanted to do a Kris x Reader book and so here it is! Note! This will be a any gender/non-binaryKris x Female reader. Meaning the gender for Kris here is up to you!
Again I don't know how to write this for male readers TwT. And as for the ages for both characters, they will be 16. 

Here are some things to help you understand while reading the story along the way:

Y/N = Your/Name
A/N = Authors/Note
H/C = Hair/Color
S/C = Skin/Color
C/C = Clothes/Color
E/C = Eye/Color
G/N = Group/Name

() - For anyone who will see this while reading throughout the story, this symbol will help identify Kris as their pronouns being used in this story is they/them. It's just a way to identify them if anybody gets confused on identifying them when using they/them pronouns. Once again, if you have a preferred gender (since this is an any gender Kris x fem reader book) you can just imagine those preferred pronouns.

Shoutout to @Yasminzys for this suggestion! 👆

Anyways enjoy!

!Art Above made by @SandraGH in Deviant Art!
A strange emptiness echoed in the abyss, nothing in sight. Yet, the feeling of another presence didn't seem to go away. Then a voice was heard.

"Are you...there?"  Looking around, the source of the mysterious voice wasn't found. "Are we connected?"  The voice asked. Nothing was around but an endless darkness, or anybody.

Suddenly, a large, bright red light started to form in the abyss. Something was shining in the depths of it. The light started to fade as a red heart formed in front of you. "Excellent..," the mysterious voice seemed to comment. "Truly...Excellent."  The red heart floated within your grasp, yet you couldn't move or look away.

"Now..,"  the unknown voice said, "We may begin."

The red soul shined brightly and disappeared. The dark abyss around you seemed to transform as you appeared in a much lighter room that seemed to stretch forever. Yet you still couldn't move still. And that presence seemed to be still with you. As if a signal, the voice continued, "First."

"You must create a vessel.."  Questioning on what they were talking about, you started to ask what they meant, but you couldn't get a single word out. It was like, something was preventing you from doing anything to interrupt this sequence.

"Select the head that you prefer,"  it commanded. A list of various different heads showed. So you decided to choose one that appealed you the most.
Different questions were requested from the unknown watcher as you answered its queries.

Though what made you ponder was the specific questions the mysterious voice was asking. It was quite weird as it asked you what body you would like and what you liked.

"What do you feel about your creation?"  The voice announced its last question. "It will not hear.."  It gave off a last note quietly just within earshot.
Options were shown of Love, Hope, Disgust, and Fear. You gazed at your creation for a while and came up with your decision. You chose the option, hope. You felt fond and desire for your creation.

"Have you answered honestly?"  The voice asked. You chose yes, as it your answers were answered honestly.
"Do you acknowledge the possibility of pain and seizure?"  You felt chilled at this question. Hesitant, you chose yes once more.

"Name your vessel."  Numerous letters appeared. You started to wonder what to name your vessel. But then a distant whisper seem to echo in your mind, repeating a word or really name. Subconsciously, you put in the name Y/N. "We called it...Y/N."  You liked the sound of your creation's name.
"And what the creator?"  You put in Y/N again as you remembered it was your name.

"Of course of course. Of course they are the same."  The voice mused.

"Thank you for your time,"  They answered. You felt a little honored by their gratitude.

"Your Answers."
"Your Wonderful Creation."  Everything suddenly snapped into darkness and went into silence. You started to panic a bit.


"Will now be discarded."  Confused at the voice's sudden declaration, questions flooded your mind. "No one can choose who they are in this world..". the voice said. Disbelieved, you want to ask question to this mysterious person and why they asked you to create this vessel only to be deleted.

The whole place started to light up, blinding you.

""  was the last words you heard of the mysterious person as everything started to blur.


Word Count: 576 words

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