Chp 17 - Hearts Entwined

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The chapter you've all been waiting for is finally here. I will not lie, writing this chapter made me feel awkward which made it hard to write this chp TvT
Alright you Kris simpers out there (which include me) y'all got your wish

I will upload the next chp next week if y'all wanna know. Anyways this is a decent long chp so enjoy!

Also the art above is made by me (: check out my Instagram if you wanna see more of my art

!Fanart above made by me/@8_Lxnar_8 on Insta!

Susie's POV:

  Susie stomped through the dark corridor as she sought for Kris, Ralsei, and Y/N's cells. Maybe she'd encounter Lancer too and he'd be able to free them. A fork was now on the way. Susie looked from left and right, now that Kris wasn't here, she would have to do this on her own. She sighed. 'Well whatever, I can do this on my own,'  Susie thought to herself triumphantly.

Susie gazed towards the right but it looked like there was just a dead end. The left it is then. Susie could hear a familiar voice behind the wall as she continued walking to the left. 'That's Lancer's voice!'  Susie exclaimed mentally as she hurried over. Yet one thing that Susie hated the most stood in her way that blocked her from reaching Lancer. Another puzzle. She groaned to herself. 'Maybe I should go back and ask Kris,' Susie thought. 'No, it'll take too long and trouble,' She shook her head. 'Ugh, I'll just do it myself,' Susie concluded, yet it lacked with her usual confidence.

Finally solving the puzzle, the wall slowly descend downward. Just up ahead was Lancer, speaking with a guard.

"Understand? They have to stay in their cells. The Lightners can't be allowed to escape. Especially the purple one." "On it," The guard said once Lancer finished giving it orders. "Lancer?" "S-Susie? W-What are you doing here?" Lancer turned around with shock and disbelief in his voice. Susie walked calmly up to him. "Lancer, Kris and Ralsei are still locked up," Susie told him. He stood still, just standing there. "I..I know," Lancer admitted. "Then why are you just standing there? We gotta go back and help them," Susie protested. "I was the one who told my troops to put you down here," Lancer looked down with guilt. "Y-You what?" Susie stared with incredulity. "I was the one who told my troops to put you down here. T..To keep you down here," Lancer frowned. "Forever," He gulped. " wanted to get rid of us?" Susie gritted her teeth. Lancer..intended to lock us up? She chuckled to herself. 'How could I be so stupid?' She looked down. "I thought we were a team," Susie finally said. "I-I can explain Susie-" Lancer started. Susie turned around not looking at him.

She should've known. She should've known she could've been stabbed in the back like always. "Nah. It's fine. It's fine actually," Susie said with a ice cold voice. It sent shivers to Lancer's back. "You don't have to say anything," Susie told him. "I get it. I get it, y'know." She walked away further from Lancer.

"Why would anyone..really wanna be my friend anyway?"

Susie smiled. Except her smile held no positive energy. "Susie, that's not-" Lancer spoke, but Susie interrupted him. "Shut up," Susie gave a smirk. "But-" "SHUT UP!" Susie's anger and betrayal boiled her blood. Her threatening glare and sickening growl shutting Lancer up. Good. Fear and threats always seemed to work. She walked up to Lancer "casually", her footsteps echoing the owner of a fearful presence. "Get out of my way," Susie ordered Lancer calmly. Lancer didn't budge, still not looking up to Susie's accusing eyes. Annoyed and her anger heating up more, she punched the wall beside her. The wall was already cracked but when she punched it with her fist, it cracked even more. Lancer flinched at her strength and the loud hit.

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