Chp 13 - Hold Me Tight

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"Wow! Looks nasty! Are you sure you aren't evil!?" Lancer had replied after they finished setting up their own "killing machine." The options they gave was weird, though Y/N didn't complain.  "Err, no, I suppose we just have knack for it." Ralsei chuckled. Confused whether to take Ralsei's statement as a compliment or not. Y/N could hear rustling. 'Where is it coming from?'

A pink hue exploded from the crimson bushes. Leaves tangled in her dark magenta hair and she gave an amusing smirk. It was Susie. Of course, Y/N should've known she would have been close by. She and Lancer were already stuck like glue with each other. They were practically best friends! Though Susie left a form of her shape in the bushes after she jumped out of the bushes. "Haha, tricked you idiots!" Susie laughed, amused by their stupidity. It was a genius plan, hiding in the bushes while she sat back and watch Lancer convince the so called heroes do the work for them. Their plan worked flawlessly.

"NEVER do something  someone else can do FOR you!" Susie smirked as she pushed them out of the way to see the machine they made. Silence filled the air as Susie just stared at the blueprint ahead of her. Her smirk turned upside down and she questioned. "It's just a duck?" Amusement yet disappointment merged in her tone. She turned towards the trio. "Guys? This evil ass." She shook her head and faced Lancer.

"Anyway, great job, Lancer! They were like sitting ducks!" Susie told Lancer, now then noticing the pun she made. "Hahaha, yes! And it's all thanks to our enemies! Thank you very much!!!" He saluted the three who just stood there and listened. "Trash-you-later!" He laughed and skimmed off. Susie followed him carrying their evil plans for their machine. Though she still had a twig still stuck in her hair. "Okay." Ralsei just responded while Y/N just gave a small wave until they were out of view. Y/N turned her gaze towards the bushes where Susie had hid. She walked over to it and looked inside. Her E/C eyes examined the space. "It's quite impressive how she stayed still and quiet for this long without us noticing," Y/N said to herself. "It's nice Susie finally found a place she fits in.." Ralsei spoke from behind Y/N almost spooking her. For a moment, she wondered if Ralsei just realized he made pun. Her mouth formed up into an amusing smile.

"And she's getting along with Lancer, too!" Ralsei added, pride in his tone. "She has," Y/N agreed briefly. Kris was in the back before they(♡) let out a brief  "Let's go" to the party to let them know they should keep moving and follow Susie and Lancer.


Y/N walk down the path that led them forward. A forest trapped them in both sides, only giving them the way forward or back. The rustle of their leaves though created a peaceful scene, the wind brushing through Y/N's S/C skin. But it was darker than before, the sky still pitch black, but the shadows of the trees made it darker.

The sound of something flapping could be heard ahead. Y/N was wary, and she was glad that Kris and Ralsei heard it too. They paused in their trek for a bit, each glancing the other, wondering if they had heard the sound up ahead. "I'll go first," Ralsei offered, knowing the two were quite nervous to continue onward. Y/N was about to protest but Ralsei gave a quick shake, determined to be brave for his friends. Guilt washed over her, the atmosphere in this place wasn't helping one bit. It was as if whatever was lurking in here was watching her. Y/N looked around anxiously until her eyes landed on Kris. Their(♡) ruby eyes revealed for a second. Y/N could feel her heart skip a beat when she saw their(♡) eyes. She wished deep down she could see them again. Fear deprived out of her.

"Are you okay?" A familiar soft yet surprisingly, more clearer voice snapped her out of her trance. She hadn't realized she was staring. A dark hue rose on her cheeks. "Yea, s-sorry. I didn't mean to stare at you, sorry if I was being weird," Y/N facepalmed herself mentally.

It Beats For You | Deltarune: Kris x Fem ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum